Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning with a severe hangover. I read a text from Tony on my phone something along the lines of "I'm too hungover and it's your fault"

I turned my phone off and nearly had a heart attack when I saw it as 8:30, despite the pounding in my head I got right into the shower.

 As I stood under the hot water, trying to wash away the remnants of the previous night's mistakes, I couldn't help but think about the day ahead. Today was my first day of training and I was already cutting it close. I quickly finished my shower, brushed my teeth, and threw on some clothes.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I cringed at my appearance. My eyes were bloodshot, my hair was a mess, and my skin looked like it had seen better days. I brushed through my hair and moisturised my face in an attempt to clean myself up.

I grabbed my bag and ran out the door, hoping I could make it on time. As I walked down the street, I tried to shake off the lingering effects of the hangover, but it was no use. My head was pounding, and my stomach was churning.

I finally arrived at the training facility, and I could feel the nervousness creeping in. I was about to start a new chapter in my life, and I wasn't exactly feeling my best.

It all started with a debrief and I took an empty seat in the back listening to none other than Maria Hill give the welcome speech. 

She guided us to the changing room and told us all to get dressed before we began any work.

I walked right to the back of the room and faced a wall as I hurriedly changed into the gear I had been given. My hands were shaking as I struggled to put on the tactical suit, and I felt like I was going to pass out from the combination of nerves and the lingering effects of my hangover.

The gear was nice but I missed the feeling of my own suit, the same suit I had already done countless missions with.

Finally, I managed to get everything on, and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I exited the changing room and made my way to the training floor, where the other recruits were already gathered, warming up.

As I looked around, I couldn't help but feel intimidated. Every around me was already huddled in smaller groups and I couldn't help but feel like a loser. They had probably all met during the assessment process which I had skipped.

The training session began and I had to physically stop myself from acting like I knew everything. I was meant to be a trainee after all.

The instructor, Maria, blew her whistle, and we all gathered in a circle for some warm-up exercises. We started with some stretches and then moved on to some basic cardio. We jogged in place, did jumping jacks, and ran laps around the training floor.

Next, we moved on to some strength training exercises. We did push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, all while Maria observed us. I struggled to keep up, my muscles protesting at the sudden exertion, the effects of the excessive alcohol last night still lingered in my system.

After that, we moved on to some combat training. Maria demonstrated some basic moves, and then we paired up and practised them with a partner. I was paired with a guy who looked like he could crush me with his pinky finger. I was intimidated, but I did my best to follow his lead and execute the moves correctly.

Maria was walking around the room, talking to everyone and correcting their form, she stopped in front of me and my partner "Y/n" she smiled and my eyes widened "How did you" I started swiftly pulling her to the side.

"Oh Tony had told me" and I cut her off "I'd really appreciate it if you didn't bring that up, I don't need everyone thinking I got a free pass because I know Tony" I pleaded and she nodded "I can see he meant it when he said you were skilled"

I smiled at her thanking her before moving back to my partner. We continued practising the combat moves for what felt like hours, sweat pouring down my face and my muscles screaming in protest.

Maria finally gave us a break announcing that we could leave for lunch. 

Relieved, I quickly made my way to the locker room to splash some water on my face. As I was about to leave, I saw Maria standing at the entrance.

"Hey," she said, "I wanted to apologize for mentioning Tony earlier I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay," I replied, "I just don't want anyone to think I got special treatment because of him" Technically I did but  I'm probably twice as experienced as everyone here.

"I understand," she said with a nod, "but you don't need to worry about that you're here because you earned it, Tony may have recommended you, but you passed the assessment process just like everyone else."

I smiled at her, grateful for her reassurance. "Thanks, Maria I appreciate it."

We chatted for a few more minutes before she headed back to the training floor, and I left for lunch feeling a little more confident in myself.

I grabbed a tray of food and glanced around at all the full tables, I awkwardly made my way to the side taking a seat in the back.

"I really need to work on my social skills" I mumbled pushing the food around on my tray. As I ate my food, I observed the other recruits, trying to gauge what they were like. Some seemed to be in deep conversations, while others were laughing and joking around.

It felt like high school except before my parents died I'd have been at one of the tables full of people without a care in the world, I missed it.

"Is this seat free?"


maria 😻

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maria 😻

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