Chapter 7

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I sat on my couch gauze in hand held against a cut on my forehead. The winter soldier file was placed on the coffee table in front of me. I debated long and hard opening it and reading it but the guilt in me didn't let it happen.

With this in my possession, I felt a feeling of unease and anxiety wash over me. It was as if I had taken on a burden too heavy to bear. The file contained information about one of the deadliest assassins in the world, and the thought of having it made me feel like a target.

My curiosity was piqued, but my conscience wouldn't let me open it. I knew it was wrong to have it, and I couldn't shake off the guilt. 

An alert from my laptop distracted me and I put down the bloodied gauze grabbing my laptop instead, maybe a new mission could distract me.

Unknown - I hear you're the person to talk to if you want a job done quickly and quietly

Me - what do you need 

Unknown -  a prototype that's been stolen 

Me - The earliest I can get to it is two weeks 

Unknown - I'll double your rate 

Me - How desperate are you 

Unknown - desperate enough to triple the rate if it can be done by tonight

Me - Wire half first and the rest after the job, send the details over 

I closed my laptop shut and picked up the file on the table and brought it to my room. I lifted the floorboard dropped it in and carefully placed the wood back making sure everything looked normal before getting back up.

I put my suit on placing various gadgets in the belt, some I knew the actions of and others I could figure out. 

I left my apartment, heading towards the location I had received. The feeling of unease still lingered within me, but I tried to push it aside, focusing on the mission at hand.

As I approached the building, I observed the area, looking for any potential threats or obstacles. Once I had assessed the situation, I made my way inside, using my gadgets to bypass any security measures in my way.

The prototype was located on the top floor, and I made my way there, using my agility to avoid detection. Once I reached the room, I found the prototype as described and carefully removed it from its casing.

As I made my way out of the building, I was suddenly stopped, the exit door was blocked off by none other than the Avengers. 

"Back for more Stark?" I asked keeping my voice steady despite the surprise "Miss me too much?" he laughed "Just couldn't resist" 

"Who are you?" Steve asked next with a demanding tone and I tutted not answering. Instead, I activated one of my gadgets, a smoke bomb, and threw it at them. The smoke quickly filled the room, and I used the opportunity to try and escape.

There was no way I could fight my way out of this.

But I wasn't fast enough. Before I could even make it to the door, I was tackled by another Avenger, a man with a metal arm, the man himself. The impact was strong, and I felt the air leave my lungs as we hit the ground, the infamous winter soldier staring directly into my eyes.

I struggled to get up, but he held me down with ease barely breaking a sweat "Who are you?" he demanded, his metal arm pressing further down on my chest.

I didn't answer, instead trying to wiggle free from his grip but it was no use he was too strong.

I felt around my belt for anything that could help and decided to use the baton on him, he lost his grip on me and I slipped past him. 

As I ran towards the door, I could hear the Avengers shouting for backup and pursuit. I knew I had to act fast, or I would be caught.

I reached for another gadget, a grappling hook, and aimed it at the ceiling. With a quick flick of my wrist, the hook latched onto the ceiling, and I pulled myself up, using my momentum to swing towards the door.

But before I could make it to the exit, I was intercepted by Black Widow. She was fast, and I knew I couldn't outrun her. Instead, I turned to face her, pulling out my baton again.

Black Widow was a skilled fighter, but I had my gadgets and tricks. We exchanged blows, each landing punches and kicks.

It soon became clear to me that Black Widow was the superior fighter. She disarmed me of my baton and threw me to the ground.

"Who are you working for?" she demanded, pinning me to the floor.

I didn't answer, instead choosing to activate one of my gadgets, a stun grenade. The bright light and loud noise disorientated her, and I used the opportunity to escape.

I ran towards the exit, hoping I had bought enough time to escape but as I opened the door, I was met with Iron Man, hovering outside.

"Nice try," he said, a smug grin on his face "but you're not getting away that easily."

I tried to run past him, but he fired a repulsor blast, knocking me off my feet. The pain was intense, and I struggled to get back up, it was a different type of pain, one I wasn't used to.

Iron Man landed beside me, his suit's weapons aimed at me. "Who are you working for?" he demanded, his voice cold and menacing.

I scoffed "Like I'm just gonna tell you" I spat and he took the face plate off, revealing his smirk "So you're gonna use my equipment against us and not have the courtesy to answer me"

I rolled my eyes and finally got up off the floor and pulled out my gun aiming it at him, I knew my gun was going to be no match for his suit but I could try. 

Iron Man raised his hands, ready to fire back, but before he could, Captain America appeared behind me and knocked me out with a swift hit of his shield. 

"What it was taking too long" he shrugged as Tony stared at the unconscious woman on the floor. 


steve said let me handle it 😗

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steve said let me handle it 😗

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