Chapter 13

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face, I checked the time to see it was 7 am. I got out of bed and began the long process of cleaning up my apartment after it had been trashed. 

My stomach was still aching so I took a couple more pills. I found my laptop under my bed and opened it up to see the screen slightly cracked but it was thankfully still working.

I had a couple of new messages on my forum and I debated opening them. I pulled out the box of cash from under the floorboard and opened it up to see I had enough to last me a couple of months.

I could go back to my old ways despite the pardon and incriminate myself again or I could do things the right way and try to earn some legal money. 

As I was pondering my options, I heard a knock on my door. I hesitated for a moment, wondering who could be visiting me at this early hour. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Tony standing there, looking sharp in his suit and sunglasses.

"Morning," he said, pushing past me into my apartment.

I closed the door behind him and turned to face him "What do you want, Tony?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest defensively.

"I know you asked Bucky about me," he said bluntly, "damn" I mumbled not expecting Bucky to betray me like that.

He glanced at my laptop and the pile of money on the floor and then back at me "You aren't seriously considering going back to that" he said disappointedly. 

"That doesn't concern you," I said swiftly closing my laptop and putting the money back in its box quickly, I took a sharp breath feeling pain in my stomach from the sudden movements.

Tony took a step closer, concern etched on his face "Are you ok?" he asked and I nodded not being able to speak just yet, he hesitantly nodded. 

"It does concern me," he said firmly, "You're too good for that life, and you know you have skills that can be put to better use, and I'm here to offer you that opportunity."

I narrowed my eyes, not sure if I could trust him "And what opportunity would that be?" I asked warily.

"A job," he said simply, "with the Avengers we could use someone like you on the team you'd be paid well, and you'd be doing good in the world."

I hesitated, considering his offer. It was true that I could use the money, and it would be nice to do something that I could be proud of but I didn't know if I was ready to put my trust in Tony Stark and the Avengers.

"I'm not superhero material" I finally said, not wanting to make a decision right then and there but letting him know I wasn't ready for anything that intense.

Tony nodded, seeming to understand "What about with shield then," he asked.

"I don't know," I said slowly, still hesitant "I've been doing things my own way for so long, I'm not sure I'm cut out for a real job and besides I broke into that place and stole something pretty important"

Tony leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest "That's exactly why we need you," he said.

"Tony I've done stuff" I said my voice barely above a whisper "stuff no one should ever have to do, stuff that can leave you scarred forever"

"You have skills and experience that can't be taught you know how to get in and out of places without being detected, and you know how to get your hands on information that others can't plus, you're already involved in this world whether you like it or not" he replied 

I sighed, knowing he was right. I had been involved in the world of espionage and theft for so long that it was hard to imagine doing anything else but at the same time, I knew that I couldn't keep living my life like this forever.

"Fine," I said finally, "I'll consider it but I'm not making any promises."

Tony grinned, looking pleased "That's all I can ask for," he said, he began typing away on his phone and then looked back up at me 

"Your training starts next week at 9 am at shield headquarters" he said and I gave him a stern look "I haven't said yes" I stated and he grinned at me.

"I'm confident enough to know you'll be there next Monday," he said with a smug look on his face and I rolled my eyes. 

"Last time I did something for you I ended up branded," I said and the smug look on his face fell.

"If you're not interested after the training, then you're free to go no strings attached," he said and I nodded.

He pulled something out of his back pocket and placed it in my hands, It was a sleek smartphone, "What's this for?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I don't know how else to contact you," he said, "this is a much better way to stay in touch."

"Thanks," I said, tucking the phone into my pocket "I'll see you next week."

Tony nodded, turning to leave "And if you need anything before then, don't hesitate to call," he said over his shoulder "I mean it."

I watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions part of me was excited and another part of me was nervous about the unknown, and whether or not I was really ready to leave my old life behind.

I decided to distract myself by unlocking the phone that Tony had given me. There was one number saved on it and the contact name read 'The Genius' I couldn't help but laugh at his egotistical personality. 

Despite the arrogant personality I had formed for the billionaire in my head he actually turned out to be quite caring, it was comforting to know that in this day and age, a stranger like him was willing to help. 

I didn't know if he had ulterior motives but I wasn't planning on letting him in enough to find out.

I'm not sure I can let anyone in, every time I do, I end up getting hurt or they leave. I'm just not sure I can let my guard down again. It's easier to keep people at a distance, even if it's lonely.


mhm 🤭

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