Chapter 12

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I woke up in my bed and checked the time, it was 1 am on my clock.

The burning sensation in my stomach had returned. I got out of bed and began walking over to the bathroom stumbling over various items on the floor in the process. 

The cold tiles of the bathroom floor sent shivers down my spine as I made my way to the shower. I couldn't help but wince as I peeled off the suit, feeling the rough fabric rub against the tender skin on my stomach. I let out a sigh of relief as the suit came off, revealing the bandage wrapped around my midsection.

I carefully peeled off the bandage, wincing as the adhesive pulled at my skin. As I looked down at my stomach, I saw that the wound had reopened and was now oozing blood. The burning sensation in my stomach had intensified, making me feel nauseous and lightheaded.

I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash over me. It stung as it hit my open wound, but the heat helped to ease the pain in my stomach. I stood there for what felt like hours, letting the water run over me as I tried to clear my head.

Eventually, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, feeling more awake than before. I made my way back to bed, wincing as I climbed in, feeling the pain in my stomach intensify. I tried to get comfortable, but it was no use. The burning sensation was too intense, making it impossible to get any rest.

I got up getting changed into some sweatpants and a loose T-shirt. I made my way out the door of my apartment and walked down the street to the bar.

Alcohol solves all problems, right?

I felt very out of place in my sweats and shirt but I couldn't care less, I took an empty seat at the bar ignoring the odd looks most of them probably because of my bruised state others probably due to my attire. 

"Vodka red-bull" I said to the bartender who nodded beginning the process of making my drink. I looked around the place and spotted a familiar person in a booth in the back. 

I paid for my drink and grabbed it trudging over to the figure. 

"Can't sleep?" I asked and the person looked up meeting my eye, I sat down sipping on my drink letting the tangy taste settle in my throat.

"Uh yeah," Bucky said as I sat across from him "What are you doing here," he asked nervously wondering if I was truly going to sit with him.

"Planning on getting drunk" I shrugged "Join me" I said and he laughed lowly "I wish" 

"What do you mean?" I asked "I can't get drunk thanks to the super soldier serum" he explained and I nodded slowly. 

"Well then at least I know I can go crazy" I laughed chugging the rest of my drink.

"I heard what you did," he said so quietly I could barely hear it, I raised an eyebrow, curious about what he was referring to yet I had a slight idea "What did you hear?" I asked, leaning in slightly.

"About you and the file," he said, his voice barely above a whisper "You put yourself at risk to protect the information that took guts."

"I just did what I thought was right," I said swirling the ice in my empty glass.

"Can I see it" he whispered and my eyes shot up to look at him "what" 

"I just, I don't know, I've never met anyone else who's been through something like I have," Bucky said, his eyes flickering with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding and lifting my shirt. The engraved octopus and name red and raw formed an ugly and jagged scar, a testament to the horrors I had endured.

Bucky reached out and gingerly traced his metal fingers along the raised tissue, his expression a mix of sympathy and sadness "I'm sorry," he said quietly, and I could tell that he meant it.

"Yooo that's sick" someone said and I quickly pulled my shirt down looking at a very drunk man stumbling around and making his way to our booth.

He sat right next to me "Let me see again that's awesome" he mumbled, I watched as Bucky clenched his jaw across from me and I shook my head at him, ready to de-escalate the situation on my own. 

I tried to push the man's hand away, but he persisted in trying to lift my shirt "Back off," I warned firmly, but he just laughed and stumbled even closer, his alcohol-laden breath washing over me.

Suddenly, Bucky's hand shot out and grabbed the man's wrist, his metal fingers clamping down hard. The man yelped in pain, and Bucky leaned in close, his expression dangerous "I suggest you leave before I decide to do something we'll both regret," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

The man quickly stumbled away, looking back at us with a mix of fear and confusion. I turned to Bucky, grateful for his intervention despite not needing it "Thanks," I said softly, and he just gave me a small nod in response.

We both sat there in silence for a few moments, the weight of what we had just shared still hanging heavily between us. Finally, Bucky spoke up "You know, I may not be able to get drunk, but I can still appreciate a good drink," he said, gesturing to my empty glass "Can I buy you another?"

I smiled and nodded, grateful for the distraction "Sure," I said, and we both leaned back in our seats, sipping our drinks in comfortable silence.

"So how's Tony" I mumbled and Bucky shot me a slight smirk "Tony huh" he said and I nodded regretting asking about him now.

Bucky took a sip of his drink, his eyes locked on mine "He's fine," he finally said, breaking the silence "What happened at your place anyways he looked concerned when he got back" 

I sighed "It doesn't matter don't worry about it" Bucky nodded not pushing any further.

We finished our drinks in a comfortable silence before I decided it was time to head back home, he insisted on walking me but I politely declined looking forward to the alone time.

As I stepped out of the bar, the cool night air hit me, refreshing after the warmth of the crowded space. Bucky followed me, his hands shoved in his pockets, and we walked in silence for a few minutes.

"I hope you're okay," he finally said, breaking the silence again. "I am," I replied with a small smile. "Thanks for the company."

"Anytime," he said with a nod, his blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

"Goodnight, Bucky."

"Goodnight," he replied, watching me as I walked further down the street.

I unlocked my door and stepped inside, taking a deep breath. I went right to bed ignoring all my thoughts and feelings and letting sleep consume me.


buck 🥹

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buck 🥹

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