What does he have I don't?

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Y/n was standing across the ping pong table from me. Laughing at those new boys' jokes shamelessly. He didn't deserve those laughs or her smile. Chiron finally dismissed the meeting and everyone went off to their cabins. That new Valdez kid offering to walk her to her cabin, that little shit. I walked a few feet behind her, watching her beautiful honey blond hair falling to her mid back, that lovely white summer dress flowing with the wind. Valdez finally left her at the stairs to cabin 6 then ran off to his cabin. Her eyes followed the scrawny boy before turning and smiling at me. Her smile was always the warmest, most welcoming. I walked over admiring her beautifully applied makeup, gold shimmer on her eyelids, a soft pink on her lips and her cheek and nose dusted with beautiful freckles.

'Hey Clarisse.' She said with her normal jittery laugh.

'Hey Y/n.' I say, she leans over the railing to messing with my hair.

'That new kid Leo's pretty funny, have you talked to him?' She asked, resting her head in her hands. The smile left my face as soon as she said it. How could she think he was funny? I wanted to kill that kid. Y/n was mine, and I hated sharing. 'Hey what's wrong, darkon slayer?'

'You like that kid don't you?' Her face went red. Why would she like him? She deserves so much more but no, she likes the scrawny fire boy. What does he have that I don't? I could make her so much happier than he could. 'That answers it. See you at dinner.' I began walking to cabin 5 but I heard footsteps behind me and quickly felt a hand on my wrist. I turned around to see her right in front of me, her face still blushing.

'Why do you care if I like him?' She asked, not letting go of me.

'Because, you deserve better.' I say, as a smirk fell over her face.

'Like what, a daughter of Ares that's too scared to tell me she likes me so she threatens every person that talks to me that she'll kill them if they so much as look at me again. Is that what I deserve?' She smirked at me.

'Yes.' It was the only thing I could think of. Her hand left my wrist and went up to my neck, pulling me close to her. She pressed her soft lips against mine as my hands found their way to her waist, pulling her as close to me as possible. She pulled away and I admired her blue eyes. 'See, exactly what you deserve.'

We both laughed for a second when I saw Leo, standing outside the Hephaestus cabin with his jaw on the floor.

'Yeah that's right Valdez, she's mine! All you idiots know now, Y/n Y/l/n, daughter of Apollo is mine!' I yelled as Y/n put her head on my shoulder, laughing to herself. Leo was in complete shock so when Y/n lifted her head back up I kissed her again even more deeply. Her fingers were now playing with my hair when we heard Mr D yell.


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