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Most girls didn't have white lines over their body. None of those pretty girls in the movie had scars over their arms, or legs, or waits, or neck. Yes it was normal for demigods to have scars but fighter demigods, not healers like Y/n. She stood in front of the mirror in pyjama shorts and a white bralette. She studied every little white, red, and purple mark on her body. There was one on the base of her neck from a monster attack when she was 10, then another on the outside of her left arm from a game of capture the flag, a large thick one going from the inside of her right knee all the way up to her thigh from the battle of Manhattan, along with many more. She knew they were signs of strength and all but all she could think about was how much she hated them. Rubbing her wrist over the thick, white scar on the base of her neck, trying to scrub it off, there was the sound of the door opening.The rest of the Apollo campers had gone off to archery but Y/n stayed back. She thought it was just one of her siblings who forgot something but was surprised by a familiar raspy voice.

'Hey Y/n. Didn't see you with your half siblings so wanted to check in.'

The daughter of Ares closed the door behind her then turned back to Y/n, releasing where she was standing and how sad her eyes looked. 'What's wrong darling?'

Y/n didn't say a thing, just kept staring at the scar on her neck as a tear rolled down her cheek. She saw in the mirror Clarisse come up behind her, gently pulling Y/ns wrist away from her neck. 'I hate these.' Y/n muttered, moving away from the mirror and grabbing her Camp HalfBlood shirt.

'You hate your scars?' Clarisse asked as Y/n pulled the shirt over her head. She nodded. "Why? They look so badass and hot.' Clarisse joked a bit then stopped when another tear rolled down Y/n's face. Clarisse walked over to her, wrapping her arms around her waist and pulling her close. Y/n buried her face in Clarisses shoulder as Clarisses hands rubbed up and down her back. 'I'm sorry darling.'

'It's okay, I just wish they would disappear.' Y/n mumbled. Clarisse held her for a second then picked her up and walked her to her bed. Placing her down, she kneeled in front of her beautiful girlfriend. 'I hate all of them so much.'

Clarisse sighed before saying, 'I know, but these scars show how tough and strong you are. The fact you got this one when you were 11?' She gentle outlines the scar on Y/ns neck


"That 's even cooler. Just because society doesn't like them darling, doesn't mean you have to. You're a demigod for the gods sake, nothing should ever make you feel bad about yourself. Definitely not something like battle scars.' Clarisse gently kissed the scar on the base of Y/n's neck, then lifting her left arm to kiss in one there, and finally leaving a trail of kisses up from her knee to her thigh following that scar. Y/n giggled and tilted Clarisse's head up. 'See darling, they're all so beautiful, just like you.' She leaned up and pressed a kiss onto her girlfriend's cheek then her lips.

'Thank you Claire.' Y/n laughed.

'Anyday sun girl.'

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