Bus Rides

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The school trip had finally finished and we were lining up to get back on the bus. Somehow I managed to end up at the end of the line. By the time I finally climbed onto the bus there were three seats left, two of them were by the teacher so I begrudgingly dropped my bag on the floor of the other free seat and dropped down into the leather. The girl I was sitting next to had a stupid grin on her face.

That stupid rudge player was enjoying this way too much. I hated her guts so much, don't know why I've just never liked her since 8th grade, something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. I tried to ignore her by putting in my ear phones and playing some music but after only 2 songs she ripped one from my ear.

'Queen ha? At least your music taste is not as stupid as you.' She teased. I turned to her, she still had that stupid grin on her face, that stupid face.

'Shut up LaRue and leave me alone for the next four hours.' I huff, grabbing my earphone back from her hand.

'Now, now Y/n. That's not a very nice thing to say you know. I forgot my earphones and sharing is caring.' She whined.

'Not a chance.'

The next hour was Clarisse teasing me, poking me, shit like that whilst I just tried to listen to music. Eventually though I was able to get some sleep, as long as that annoying rudge girl didn't wake me up.

I had a really weird dream on the bus, it was prom and I was waiting for someone. I didn't know who I was waiting for, I just knew I was waiting for someone. Then who do I see walk through the door, none other then Clarrise fucking LaRue. I hate to admit it but she's dressed incredibly well. She was in a full tux, her hair slicked back, even black and red rings. I wanted to gag but secretly I was trying not to blush.

'Hey there beautiful, you're looking sexy as always.' She said and she strutted over to me, caressing my cheek. She pressed a kiss on my lips before I could react. Why did I not push her away? Before I knew it we were on the dance floor, jumping around with the rest of my friends. Suddenly the music changed to bohemian rhapsody, Clarisse arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close against her. I rested my arms over her shoulders as we slowly swayed to the music.

'I love you Y/n Y/l/n.' Her raspy voice whispered.

I half opened my eyes and I was back on the bus. Only this time I wasn't sitting up right, my head was on the side, bohemian rhapsody still playing through my ear phone and a movie playing on a phone screen, it looked like one of lego movies, batman I think. My head was resting on something and there was a hand on my thigh. It didn't register who I was leaning on and I was still half asleep so I snuggled up closer to the person. Their head rested on mine before I heard her stupid, raspy, wonderfully mocking voice.

'Had a nice nap darling.'

I quickly sat up, pushing her hand off my thigh and holding my finger to her face. 'This meant nothing, I'm just tired from today'

A smirk fell over her lips, she lightly pulled my hand towards her, pressing a gentle kiss on my knuckles. Softly saying 'Sure darling. Whatever you need to tell yourself.'

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