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Requested, not as great as normal cause life but still something.

"Okay, rules for tonight, all clothes stay on, no going off with La Rue by yourselves, no drinking," Percy lectured me whilst we were waiting to leave for the party. "And have fun, but not too much."

He patted me on the back then pulled me out of the cabin, towards the top of the hill. Cabin 12 had set up a huge halloween party next to thalia tree. They had really gone all out with decorations, spider webs, fake gravestones, clowns, it looked like a spirit Halloween threw up on the hill. Percy and Annabeth had dressed up as Weasly and buttercup, Nico and Will had dressed up like a black and ginger cat, Thalia and Reyna had dressed as princess bubblegum and marceline, grover and juniper had dressed as trees(suprise surprise), hazel and frank had dressed as mavis and johnny, plus lots more.

Annabeth ran up to Percy, throwing her arms around him and kissing him. I stood there awkwardly waiting for them to pull apart. Annabeth pulled back, complimenting her girlfriend before turning to me. "Love the mermaid costume, what's Clarisse dressed as, another mermaid?"

"Nah, she's a-" I began but was interrupted by someone picking me up from behind, spinning me around.

"Haha I have captured my stolen treasure." Clarisse laugh, putting me down and kiss me whilst holding my waist from behind.

"Alright, alright." Percy said, shewing us apart. "Stop that, that's enough kissing for the night."

"You were just making out right in front of us like two seconds ago, fish boy." Clarisse groans, Percy deathstaring her.

"Oh come on Percy, let them be happy together. Remember how we were at their age." Annabeth teased.

"I remember us having a five year enemies to friends to lovers tropes, these two ave only known each other for like a year. Its too fast and too much, I don't like it."

"Okay, that's enough overprotective brothering from you seaweed brain. You two look great, have a fun night." Annabeth pulled him away with him calling.

"I'm watching you La Rue!"

I turned back to my girlfriend who was in a pair of baggy brown pants and an even baggier low buttoned white shirt. Her hair slicked back, arms fingers and neck covered in gold jewellery. She smiled down at me before covering my face in kisses.

"You make a stunning mermaid." She whispered.

"And you make a handsome pirate." I replied, kissing her gently.

The night was a lot of fun, lots of music, games, ect. The whole night Percy kept glaring at Clarisse and I, we couldn't dance for less than twenty minutes without him yelling at us to 'leave room for poseidon", yes that was what he yelled at us, poseidon was famous was not leaving room.

Clarisse walked me back to cabin 3 at 1130 when everything was quieting down. We were standing on the front of the cabin kissing goodnight, a gentle, cool wind blowing past us.

"You know, beside your brother monitoring us all night, it was a very enjoyable night darling." She told me, tucking some of my blonde hair behind my ear.

"Hopefully at the next party he'll be a bit chiller." I laughed

"We can dream."

Clarisse La Rue One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now