We were all sitting in a group in cabin 3. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Juniper, Charles, Silena, Clarisse and I were just talking. Percy had his arm around Annabeth, every now and then pressing a kiss on the side of her head. After a few minutes he was rubbing his free hand up and down her arm.
"Is it possible for you two to not be so, lovey dovey, at least around other people." Clarisse huffed.
"Says you," Percy gestured to the fact she had her arm around me right now.
"Yeah but I save all that kissy crap for behind closed doors. Are you capable of doing that?"
"Oh please, I'm sure I could last longer than you."
"No way, I could bet you for sure."
"I believe it is time for another Percy and Clarisse bet?" Grover chimed in, Percy and Clarisse smirked at eachother then nodded towards Grover. "Alright, the first one of you two to partake in PDA with your significant others, loses the bet and bragging rights."
The two demigods leaned forward and shook hands, rather aggressively might I add. Percy quickly removed his arm from his girlfriend, Clarisse doing the same with me.
A few days later I was sitting with Annabeth as she sharpened her knife, she was telling me about how Percy was not coping with the bet well. She told me about how he'd gotten a plank of wood from cabin 9 and pushed her into his cabin just so he could give her a goodmorning kiss and hug her for a solid ten minutes.
"Oh please that's nothing, Clarisse yelled at all of cabin 20 last night to get out. She threated to spite them all and when Ben asked way she yelled at him 'because I will not let percy beat me'". Safe to say they were all very confused." I laughed.
"Have to say they've lasted longer then I thought. Wanna make this interesting?" She asked with a cheeky smirk.
We both ran back to her cabin to ready the plan. About 45 minutes before dinner we both got changed into our respective outfits. Annabeth slipped into the light blue sundress Percy got her for her 17th. It fell down to just above her knees, and had thin straps that crossed behind her neck. I pulled on a pair of black bootcut jeans I knew Clarisse loved, and the red, baggy radiohead t-shirt I stole from her. I put my hair up in a half up half down ponytail whilst Annabeth fluffed out her curls, letting them cascade down her back and chest. She clipped a heart shaped seashell necklace around her neck, I put on the red and bronze spear necklace my girlfriend gave me.
When dinner was called we made our way to the dinning all like normal. We were a little late so Percy, Grover, Juniper, and Clarisse were already seated and eating. Clarisse and Percy were arguing over who would win their bet but as soon as Percy saw Annabeth he stopped, causing a taunt to fall from Clarisse's lips.
"Aww what the problem fish boy, your girlfriend is teasing you? Is someone's will strength no strong enough to-"
She stopped talking as soon as she saw me beside Annabeth, her eyes glued to my legs. We both giggled and slid down next to them at the table. Grover and Juniper were chuckling at their reactions. Percy was having to physically sit on his hands whilst Clarisse was balling her hands into fists so hard I swear I saw blood drip from her palms. "So, what are you guys talking about?" Annabeth asked innocently.
"They were just talking about how much strength they have. I'm not sure how well said will strength in holding up now though." Grover laughed at his friend who was visibly annoyed he couldn't touch his girlfriend.
"Well I'm not sure about the fish boy but I'm holding up just fine, wait-" Clarisse's eyes before were just on my legs, but she had finally realised my shirt. "That my shirt isn't it?"
"Yeah, I just thought it would look nice. Is there an issue with that?" I asked teaning.
"No, no, no darling, you look really nice in it." She mumbled, her eyes still not leaving me.
Throughout dinner the two were visibly uncomfortable and struggling to pay attention to the conversation about the upcoming inter cabin game day.
After dinner we began walking to ampitheatre like we always do. It was our group tradition between dinner and lights out during the weeks we hung out there.
Whilst sitting down Annabeth was telling us about her failed training session today. "So now we aren't allowed to train with sharpened weapons"
"Oh darling it's okay." Percy rubbed her arm in a comforting way. Clarrise gasped dramatically pointing at him partacting in PDA.
"Told you I could beat you fish brains." She yelled before standing up and pulling me up into her arms, spinning me around dramatically.
"Well we have a winner." Grover laughed as Percy slumped his head into his knees.
The rest of the night was Clarisse and Percy clinging to me and Annabeth like we'd die tomorrow. Clarisse wouldn't shut up about winning over Percy, who was acting like he lost the second titan war.

Clarisse La Rue One Shots
FanfictionI feel Clarisse needs more appreciation, so I made wrote some One shots for here(Sapphic cause we all know she's fruity;) Mostly fluff, some sad stuff. All Percy Jackson Characters belong to Rick Riordan Also English is my second language so please...