AN; I'm not American so idk exactly how high school rugby/sports works over there. Hope this isn't so bad :/ I had to do a bit of research for this one lol.
Our girls had made it to the final for state rugby. Normally our school would only get into the boys games but seeing as they got booted pretty early in the season, it was either the girls games or no more rugby till next year.
The finals were being held at one of the super posh schools way across Arizona, which meant a 6 hour bus ride that started at 0400. The morning was particularly nippy, barely reaching 40 degrees, which meant all the rugby girls and the cheerleaders waiting to get on the bus were rugged up in multiple layers.
The two coaches stood in the front of the group calling names, as each person was ticked off the roll, they waddled onto the not much warmer bus. It was one of those really big coaches, and seeing there were 13 players, 12 cheerleaders, and the two coaches off the two teams, we each got almost two whole roses ourselves.
The two coaches pulled themselves on to the bus, doing a quick head count. "Why have we only got 24 of you, we're meant to have 25, who's missing?" One of them yells. Everyone had a quick look around, but I don't need a second to realise who it is.
"It's Clarisse that's missing, I'll message her." I call out, pulling my phone from the side pocket of my cheer bag. I was about to hit send when we heard someone panting and fash, heavy footsteps outside.
"I'm here, I'm here, sorry, mum didn't tell me she had cleaned my mouth guard so I couldn't find it." Clarisse said breathlessly as she climbed onto the bus.
'Hurry up and sit down La Rue" The teacher motioned to the back in a huff. Clarisse walked down the aisle, greeting her fellow players before settling on the seat beside me, looking down to my phone that still had her messages up.
"You really missed me so much that you needed to look at my goodnight message from 6 hours ago?" She chuckled
"No, I was going to ask where you were, seeing as your coach was steaming from her ears." I laughed, putting my phone away.
"Sure darling." She teased before passing me a headphone.
About an hour goes past, everyone's pretty chill. There are girls asleep, girls gossiping, and of course that one girl at the front puking whilst her friend holds back her hair, and her own breakfast. Clarisse and I were half asleep listening to our music, at the moment $20 by boygenius, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I pick my head up from Clarisse's shoulder and look up seeing one of the other cheerleaders, Tracy, smiling down at me. How was she energetic at this ungodly hour?
"Me and Anna figured out you can pull the sets in front of you down to create a kind of bed. Might be more comfortable for you guys to rest up before the game." She told me before hopping back to her seat. Clarisse and I managed it pretty quickly, laying down and cuddling up to each other. Even though it was warming up and the sun came up it was still pretty cold. Clarisse noticed my shivering and reached under our seat/bed and pulled out a fluffy blanket from her bag, throwing it over both of us. I quickly drifted to sleep with the warm sunlight peeking through the window and Clarisse running her hand softly and gently up and down my back.
Before I knew it was woken up to Clarisse softly whispering in my ear. "Come on darling, we're almost there."
Me and the other cheerleaders were warming up side field, the bleachers were full of kids from our school that had driven out just to cheer on our girls, a rare occurrence. The team had just broken up their pre game huddle while we were getting our school hyped up with tumbling passes. I had just finished mine when Anna pointed behind me, I turn around to see Clarisse smiling at me like I've just sung the hardest opera. "I will never understand how you have that look so effortless. I was hoping for a goodluck kiss before the game started, you know it's kind off tradition."
I couldn't help but blush. "You do know this lipstick isn't very transerprof, we learnt that last time remember." I joked.
Clarisse laughed then told me. "I don't give a shit darling, that means more luck cause it stays on my for longer then."
I giggled before pressing a kiss to her lips, then to her cheek before whispering. "I'll be cheering for you drakon slayer."
She smirked at me then ran off to her team, with a bright red lipstick mark on her cheek. I was so focused on what Clarisse was saying I didn't notice everyone in the bleachers cheering for us. I walked over to the other cheerleaders, who were all very giggly.
"Y/n and Clarisse, Cheer captain and Rugby captain, Phoenix High's dream couple." Holly teased.
"Oh shut up, let's get into formation." I rolled my eyes as the team laughed before getting into our triangle.
AN; also can we just take a moment to appreciate how gorgeous Dior is, like I have been gay panicking for weeks over her. I can not wait for her in sea of monsters.

Clarisse La Rue One Shots
FanfictionI feel Clarisse needs more appreciation, so I made wrote some One shots for here(Sapphic cause we all know she's fruity;) Mostly fluff, some sad stuff. All Percy Jackson Characters belong to Rick Riordan Also English is my second language so please...