Truth or Dare

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Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Will, Grover, Juniper, Chris, Clarisse, and Y/n sat cross legged in a circle on the floor of Cabin 3. I was about 1100 o'clock on a Friday night during summer. The group of teenagers were talking about some stupid camp stuff when they suddenly got onto the topic of couples. Chris, Clarisse, Y/n and Leo sat there awkwardly being the only ones in the circle who didn't have a romantic partner. Y/n kept glancing over at Clarisse whilst Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Juniper, and Will exchanged cute things their boyfriends did, whilst their boyfriend tried to hide their embarrassment. Whilst sneaking a look at the daughter of Ares, that Y/n has had a crush on for two months now, she noticed Chris openly checking her out. Like no shame, not bothering to hide it, checking out Clarisse. She clearly noticed Chris and seemed embarrassed by him. Y/n felt a wave of shame fall over her thinking Clarisse was flustered by Chris checking her out.

'Okay, okay wise girl. That's enough.' Percy cut off Annabeth as she was telling Piper about how Percy asked for a good luck kiss during the battle of Manhattan. 'Let's do something else. How about truth or dare?'

There was a collective 'sure'.

'I'll go first, Percy, truth or dare?' Jason asked.

'Dare, obviously.' Percy smirked.

'I dare you to do a slow motion worm.' Jason whinked like he was suggesting something different. Percy laughed and stood up moving into a more cleared area. Annabeth was blushing already as Percy did the dare. Everyone cheered then he sat back down smirking.

'Alright, Piper, truth or dare?' He asked.

'Truth.' Piper responded, sounding a little scared.

'Have you ever used your charmspeak for something you regretted?'

'I would say stealing the BMW but that got me here, so not really.' She turns to Chris. 'Chris, truth or dare?'

"Dare' He responds. Piper glances over to Clarisse then back to the son of Hermes.

'I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Clarisse.'

There was a collective 'ohhhh' as Chris made a face towards Clarisse that could only be described as trying to look hot and seductive but failing miserably. Clarisse turned to Y/n, looking like she wanted to say something but decided against it. Chris stood up and walked towards Clarisse. 'Shall we.'

'Fine, but only cause I don't turn down a dare.' She got up and walked towards the closet. Chris went in first then Clarisse followed. As she was closing the door she made eye contact with Y/n again that lasted for a few seconds too long. Whilst they were in the closet the group tried to hear what was going on so everyone stayed silent. Y/n was trying not to think about what might have been happening. She thought that maybe Clarisse might have liked her back but from her perspective she seemed to have interest in Y/n other than a training partner.

Finally once the seven minutes were up Clarisse and Chris walked out of the closet. Chris had a huge grin on his face and Clarisse almost looked embarrassed. They sat back down in the circle. After a few more rounds the group decided to call it quits for the night. Everyone carefully walked but to their cabins by Y/n got stopped when a hand pulled her to the side of Cabin 3.

'Y/n, I just wanted to tell you. Nothing happened between Chris and I. Like negative stuff happened in and outside of that closet, I promise.' She explained. Y/n didn't want to seem like she cared that much.

'Okay, good for you I guess. I mean I don't really care about your love life so hook up with Chris or don't I do not care.' Y/n turned and walked off. She did care, she really did, but how could she say that to Clarisse. Her feelings were complicated and what was the point in them. Percy and Annabeth are constantly getting into trouble because of their relationship, so are Piper and Jason, and Nico and Will, so what was the point of them as a demigod?

A/N; Part 2? Maybe? Possibility for another oneshot?

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