A/n; This was a request from @Agente_Barton. I hope you like it :)
Clarisse was trying to get back to camp. Not an easy task in this place though, especially by herself. She thought she was getting close to camp, she had mud all up her shoes and jeans, cuts over her face and hands, she looked like she just got out of a war that took place in a mud pit. Her guard was up, until she heard a familiar cry. She thought the Labyrinth was playing a trick on her until she saw the girl on the floor. Her short blond hair was messing with mud, leaves and sticks stuck in it. Her black shirt and blue jeans were ripped beyond repair and her face was tear stained. Clarisse was very careful of her knowing the Labyrinth was known for making people see things or go crazy so she couldn't figure out if this was the real girl from years ago or just a halution.
'Luke, this was not how it was meant to happen.' The girl yelled up at the sky like he could hear her. 'Curse you, curse Kronos, curse dad. Curse all of you.'
Clarisse questioned how the girl couldn't notice her. Y/n had gone missing two years ago. It was rumoured she'd joined her brother but no one knew for sure. Clarisse was torn, if she was a traitor she should be killed, but this was the girl Clarisse spent many years training with. She took a few steps towards the girl before she noticed.
'Kronos, have you come to save me? This place won't be quiet. There are voices in the walls and blood dripping from the roof.' Y/n laughed maniacally which pulled at Clarisse's heart. She'd spent the majority of her childhood and pre teen years with this girl and now she was sitting in front of her, losing her mind.
'Y/n it's Clarisse, remember me? I'm going to take you to camp half-blood and we'll make you better.' She said slowly trying to get closer to her old friend. Y/n did not react well. She drew her sword, pointing it at Clarisse and yelling.
'Stay back. Camp-half blood is evil. The gods dump their kids there so they don't have to worry about them anymore! Kronos will bring justice to those stupid gods! Luke promised me!'
'Y/n, Luke and Kronos were the ones that put you here. Let me help you please.' Clarisse pleated. Y/n lowered her sword, allowing Clarisse to kneel next to her. Tears started streaming down her cheeks.
'Luke promised he'd not let me get lost. Kronos promised he'd watch over me. They'll be here soon. I know they will. And no daughter of Ares could possibly defeat them.' She cried.
'They may come, but I will help you. Please Y/n, you're not like your brother, come with me. There are no voice in the walls at camp or blood dripping from the roof.' Clarisse wiped Y/n's cheek, who was now smiling at Clarisse like she'd just admitted her undying love to her.
'You will help me? That's good cause you have blood all over your hair.' She pulled a piece of Clariss hair as if it was covered in syrup. Clarisse laughed at the girl then nodded.
'Yes, we will help you and forgive you if you come with me.' Y/n nodded then side to stand up but fell from exhaustion. Clarisse grabbed her hand pulling the girl into her chest and assisted on walking her back through the Labyrinth until they found camp.
After what felt like days the two finally got back to camp half-blood. Everyone was thrilled to see Y/n, even if she had lost her mind. Mr D set Y/n up in a bed in the basement of the big house in hopes it would help cure her. Clarisse spent every free moment by Y/n's side. Listening to Y/n talked about the voice she heard in the labyrinth and calming her down whenever she thought of Luke, which was often.
Clarisse would whisper to Y/n when she slept, 'you're safe from Kronos and Luke', 'I've missed you so much', sweet nothings like that. After a few months Y/n was finally back to normal. She still stayed near Clarisse a lot though as she thought everyone hated her because of her brother.
One day they were sitting in the forest, watching the stars reflect off the water. Y/n's head rested on Clarisses shoulder as the daughter of Ares kept her close to her with her arm around her waist. It was a perfect moment.
'Clarisse.' Y/n whispered.
'Yes?' Clarisse responded, looking down to the girl. She had dyed her hair strawberry blonde so she looked less like her brother and it now reached her collar bones, it was slightly falling into her eyes as she looked up.
'Thank you for taking care of me these past months.' Y/n lifted her head to look Clarisse in the eyes.
'It was what anyone that cared about you would do.' She tucked some of her strawberry blond hair behind her ear admiring her blue eyes and soft pink lips. After a moment, Y/n pushed her lips against Clarisse's. She was taken by surprise but kissed back anyway. She'd definitely liked Y/n a little before she joined Luke but now she felt like she'd fallen for Y/n even harder than before. Y/n pulled back, looking horrified by what she just did.
Her breathing was very heavy and she started rambling. 'I'm so sorry Clarisse, I don't know what came over me. I know you like me as just a friend but for some stupid reason I thought you might like me as mo-' Clarisse pulled Y/n back into another kiss. It shut Y/n up very quickly as she melted into the kiss. It lasted about ten seconds before Clarisse pulled away, whispering to the flustered and red faced girl in front of her.
'Of course I like you more darling.'

Clarisse La Rue One Shots
FanfictionI feel Clarisse needs more appreciation, so I made wrote some One shots for here(Sapphic cause we all know she's fruity;) Mostly fluff, some sad stuff. All Percy Jackson Characters belong to Rick Riordan Also English is my second language so please...