A sketchpad, a rugby game and a tree

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Sitting against a tree, with my sketchpad and pencil in hand. Normally I sketch designs for inventions but I'd recently gotten into sketching people and turns out, I'm not shit at it. Watching as the Ares kids played a game of rugby on the grassed area between the volleyball court and the campfire, she caught my eye. I always thought Clarisse had an unique look, but in a good way. She reminded me of one of those big, strong, scary women rugby plays that no one wanted to get on the wrong side of. The way she was able to tackle her siblings like it was nothing intrigued me. I didn't realise I had been sketching her for almost half an hour until Clarisse yelled;

'Alright punks, that's enough breaking jaws for today. Off you go!'

All her siblings yelled a something along the lines of;

'Good game punks.'

Before scattering off in various directions. I looked back at my sketchpad, seeing a light sketch of Clarisse standing in front of her siblings giving instructions. Her hair was pulled back in its normal bandana, her camp halfblood tank top tucked into her campo cargo pants and holding her spear to her right. I wondered how my brain had come up with that, normally I can only draw machines but for some reason dad thought I should be able to draw a girl, whom I've had a small crush on for several months, today. Before I could close the sketch pad I heard a raspy, mildly out of breath voice say.

'That suppose to be me?'

I shot my head up, seeing Clarisse standing over me with her hand supporting her on the tree I was sitting against. I quickly flipped the book closed as my cheeks heated up.

'Oh that, I was just randomly doodling between activities.' I try to explain but it's clear she doesn't believe me.

'May I see it?' She holds out her hand in a way that would only be described as a celebrity waiting to be asked for an autograph. Her confidence was another thing about her that puzzled me. How could someone have the confidence that she did? She would walk up to anyone, say one word, and instantly she'd be the focus point of the conversation.

'It's not really finished, just a quick sketch Clarisse.' I tried to explain, looking down at her hand then my sketchpad.

'Oh come on. I won't make fun of you. Please.' She smirked down to me. Sirusly, how could anyone say no to her. I swear she's also a child of Aphrodite with her charmspeak. I roll my eyes and hand the sketch book up to her. She smiled at me then flips open the page as she turns her back to the tree and sits down next to me. She flicks through the page until she gets to her one. She inspects the sketch for several moments, that feel like hours, then turns to me. 'This is so good Y/n, I feel honoured.'

'Thanks, but like I said it's a very quick sketch.' I answered, pulling the sketchpad out of her hand. As I'm grabbing it my fingers brush against her and I swear for a second, time stops. Clarisse looked at our hands then back at me, I quickly pulled mine away from hers and dropped the pad in my lap.

'Maybe next time you could draw us together instead of just me?' Her lips curved into the same smirk she had before she was about to attack someone.

'And how would I draw that?' I asked, slightly flustered by her.

'With us sitting against this tree right now, but in a few moments.' Her hand travelled up to my neck as she pulled me towards her. At first it was slow, as if she was waiting for me to show that I was okay with what she was doing. I get impatient with her and press my lips against her. I must have done it with a little more force than intended as Clarisse was now laying on her grass with me on top of her. Her hands were tight on my waist as mine were on her neck. We kissed for a few moments until I finally pulled away. We both laughed a little, I rested my head on her shoulder trying to hide my bright red face. Finally I got up the courage to lift myself back up and look at her face, which of course was smirking at me.

'So you want me to draw that?' I say, trying to break the silence.

'I mean, I wouldn't complain about a Y/n sketch of that. It can go right above my bed.' Clarisse laughed.

'I'll get started on it right away.' I joked. 'However, I might need a reference. You know so I know what position to draw us in and that.'

Clarisse laughed at me before pushing her lips against mine again. 'I'll happily get you a picture of this as a reference for you.' She mumbled into my mouth as we kissed.

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