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Clarisse was waiting, not too patiently, outside of cabin 10 for her girlfriend. They'd planned to go into town for lunch but with how long it was taking her to get ready they wouldn't be leaving camp until dinner. One of the Aphorites kids walked out of the cabin and told Clarisse;

'Y/n told me to tell you if you were here , so I'm telling you this from Y/n that she's almost ready.' then the kid skipped off.

Clarisse groaned and leaned against the cabin. She had been told by three kids that her girlfriend was almost ready but here she was, still waiting on her. She decided she'd had enough and cracked the door open, so see if anyone was in the cabin. It was empty so Clarisse walked in and went to the head of the cabin room. She knocked on the door which was responded with a 'Come in' from her girlfriend's voice. Clarisse opened the door and leaded on the doorframe as she watched her girlfriend, who was sitting on the floor in front of a mirror, brush out her long blond and pink hair. She didn't seem to notice Clarisse leading in the doorway so she said;

'Darling, how much longer will you be?'

They made the daughter of Aphrodite jump and bite. She turned and an expression of relief fell over her face as she relied on who it was.

'I promise I'm almost ready, fifteen more minutes then I'll be good to go.' She said turning back to the mirror then picking up a tube of lipgloss from the chest of cosmetics she had. Clarisse rolled her eyes and walked over to the girl, kneeling next to her and kissing her cheek.

'You look lovely darling, but I beg of you no longer than fifteen minutes.'

Her girlfriend nodded then applied the gloss to her lips as Clarisse sat next to her. She honestly admired her girlfriend's passion for her appearance. She knew she put a lot of effort into it everyday, something Clarisse couldn't. The daughter of Ares hated it when her hair was out so having it that long and styling it everyday, she really admired it. Clarisse watched as her girlfriend finished her make-up and put on her heels. She was wearing a short, light pink slip dress with matching heels, a pearl necklace and matching bracelet, and her hair was half up half down with a white ribbon. She jumped up from her bed, throwing her bag over her shoulder and saying to Clarisse.

'Alrightly, let's go.'

'FInally.' Clarisse sighed and walked over to her girlfriend, pulling her in by the waist and pressing a gentle kiss on her lips. 'You look breathtaking though.'

Her girlfriend giggled and blushed slightly then Clarisse walked them out and to the car Clarisse had convinced Chrion to let them use for the day. Clarisse helped her into the passenger seat then hopped into the front.

'Thank you for being pantein with me, Clair.' Her girlfriend said when they were finally driving.

'It's okay.' She smiled.

Once they got to the town, Clarisse made a point of opening the door for her girlfriend, pulling out her chair at the restaurant, everything like that. The whole meal she was working up the courage to give her something. Before the check came out Clarisse slid the box over to her girlfriend. It was a small, red, jewellery box. Her girlfriend looked at her shocked.

'Clair, we're 17. We are definitely too young for this.' She said pushing the box back. Clarisse laughed as she opened the box so her girlfriend could see what was inside. Her jaw dropped when she saw a beautiful gold chain necklace with a small "'C' pendant hanging from it.

'One of you siblings may have been talking about how you wanted one whilst right next to me. I hope you like it.' Clarisse said as her girlfriend picked up the chain, looking more closely at the pendant.

'I love it Clair, thank you so much. Put it on me?' She asked, which Clarisse obliged. She walked over behind her girlfriend, clipping the chain at the back of her neck whilst she held the hair out of her way. Clarisse kissed her before sitting back down and calling the waiter over for the check.

A/N; I feel so single rn. Have any of you guys liked someone who barrels recognizes  your existence? Thats me atm and I hate it! Anyway, good night darlings.

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