Getting back to camp after a quest was always bitter sweet. I finished the quest but at the same time i finished the quest. The gods cared for a few days then they didn't give a shit anymore once it was done. Getting to the bottom of half blood hill I was covered in blood from the battle and shivering from exhaustion. A group of demi gods came rushing up to me, taking my bag and pulling me towards the infirmary. Suddenly everyone stopped right where they were looking towards the cabins.
'Alright punks move, I've got her.' A raspy voice yelled.
The group of demigods scattered away. As soon as everyone was gone the daughter of Ares ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, crying into my shoulder.
'I thought you were dead Y/n.' She mumbled. I didn't know how to react. The last time I saw Clarisse she pretended I didn't exist, three days after telling me she liked me.
After a moment I move my arms around her neck, my fingers in her curls. She pulled me behind cabin 5, held my neck and stared into my eyes for a second then kissed me.
I liked her, of course I did, but what did she think she was doing? She couldn't just tell me she liked me, ignore me, then kiss me after thinking I died. No, she wasn't going to play me like this. If she wanted me to, she could do it the right way.
I pushed her off me from her shoulders, her looking at me like a sad, lost puppy. 'You can't just tell me you like me, ignore my existence, then kiss me after I fought for my life for some stupid quest for the gods because you thought I was dead!' I yelled at her.
'I'm sorry Y/n, I really do like you. When I heard what happened I was scared I'd never get to tell you that.' She choked.
'Then why was I a ghost to you for the three days between you telling me that and the quest?!' I was so mad at her.
'Because Y/n, you are smart, and funny, and literally any person's dream girl, and I was scared.' She blurted out.
'Clarisse La Rue was scared? At least come up with an excuse I could mildly believe.' I folded my arms in front of my chest.
She looked down at the floor and took a deep breath. 'I was scared you'd realise you could do better than me okay. An awesome daughter of Hecate like you has no reason to be with a stupid, hot headed daughter of Ares that pretends to be brave, but is really so much of a coward she waited 6 months to tell her friend how she really felt about her and then ghosted her right after.'
She looked ashamed of herself, embarrassed almost. Never thought she could feel those things. 'You're joking right? There's no way that's true.' I laughed then she shot her head up to look me in the eyes. Her expression told me she wasn't lying and was actually telling the truth. 'It is?'
'Yes. Look I fully understand if you want to leave and never speak to me again but Y/n I just need you to kno-'
I cut her off by grabbing her neck and pulling her lips to mine again. Her hands tightly wrapped around my waist like it was second nature to her. After several moments I pulled away. 'Just shut up Clarisse. Of course I like you, but I swear if you ever pull a stunt like that again "because you are scared" I will turn you into a spider quicker then Athena did Arachne. Understood?'
'Understood Y/n.' She laughed as a smile crept over her lips and she pulled me as close to her as physically possible.

Clarisse La Rue One Shots
FanfictionI feel Clarisse needs more appreciation, so I made wrote some One shots for here(Sapphic cause we all know she's fruity;) Mostly fluff, some sad stuff. All Percy Jackson Characters belong to Rick Riordan Also English is my second language so please...