Family holiday 'drama'

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After the summer solstice last year being what it was, this year both Olympus and Camp Half-blood wanted a proper celebration. The throne room of Olympus was decorated with both traditional and modern styles. Apollo was of course in charge of music, he'd set up a DJ box that he'd run in and out of, Demeter had organised the food, ect. The Gods were all in their mortal form mingling with other gods and even their children. It was a rare time when everyone was getting along. Y/n was talking to her mum, Athena, about her plans for the upcoming school year. Y/n noticed her mum glaring at something behind her for half a second, she turned around to see Ares, the god of war, talking to his daughter Clarisse who seemed to be pointing them out as Ares was looking Y/n up and down.

'Why is that Clarisse girl pointing you out to her father?' Athena said, not impressed. Y/n started to silently panic. She knew she was going to tell her mother today, just hoping to ease her into it. Looks like she just had to rip the band aid off though. Y/n was 17, almost 18 finishing high school this year, so how big of a deal was it anyway? Most kids her age already had stuff like this a thousand times already. Maybe Athena would be okay with it?

'Oh that, well I've got something to tell mum.' Y/n tried to sound confident but it did not come out that way. Athena's face went from not impressed to worried. "So Clarisse and I are kind of a thing.'

Her mother didn't say a thing. The goddess of wisdom stood there staring at her daughter like she was on fire. After a few seconds she switched her eyes to her half brother and his daughter. Ares had the same stunted look on his face. Clarisse and Y/n shared a look that could only be described as 'we're fucked'. Athena then stormed off towards the good of war like she wanted to start a new one. Y/n followed after her mother then joined Clarisse to the side of Ares waiting for Athena to blow up. The two gods stared at each other almost like they were fighting telepathically, whistle the two demigods were waiting for something to blow up or one of their parents to stab the other. Zeus must be able to sense when two of his children were about to start another war because he just suddenly appeared in front of his kids, putting his hands on their shoulder as if that was going to stop them from fighting each other.

'Now, now children. Today is a day of celebration, must you two fight?' He said. Ares and Athena glared at him then in unison;

'I will not let my daughter date a spawn of this hot headed man whore!' Athena yelled.

'I will not let my daughter date a brain spawn of her!' Ares yelled.

Everyone within thirty feet of the two gods turned to see what the commotion was about. Let's be honest it wouldn't be a holiday in Olympus without at least two gods getting into a fight. Before anyone could respond, Aphrodite appeared behind the two demigods who were standing in shock from how many gods were getting involved in their love life.

'Oh Ares, Athena, calm down please. This is just young love. A beautiful thing. Let them be together.' The goddess of love said in a very sweet way. She put her arms around the two demigods, almost as if to judge them then turned back to her siblings. 'They do make a very cute couple.'

Ares seemed to calm down at Aphrodites voice. 'Fine, but Clarisse I swear if you lose your edge due to this head baby, you will no longer be my favourite child.' Clarisse squeezed Y/n hand as she nodded to her father.

Athena was not as easily convinced. 'Y/n, dear, you will not be with her. It's bad enough Annabeth is with that fishboy Percy. Why not on one of Hecate's children, or Nike?'

'Mum, please." Y/n begged. Athena took a deep breath, glaring at Ares who was too busy checking out Aphrodite.

'Daughter, just let her be a teenager.' Zeus said, patting her shoulder.

'Yes, young love is wonderful and I can definitely root for this one.' Aphrodite added.

'Like you rooted for Annabeth and the fishboy?' Athena muttered.

'Goddess Athena, I promise I will treat your daughter with respect, just give me a chance please.' Clarisse said with a confidence Y/n had never heard before. They had been dating for 5 months but she never spoke to anyone let alone a goddess. Aphrodite 'aww'ed at Clarisse's mini speech whilst her dad seemed to be mad but you could tell he was slightly proud of his daughter.

'Fine, but you two need some ground rules then.' Athena sighed. 'Nothing more than kissing until you're married.' Aphrodite made a look of pure disgust. 'Y/n this does not affect your schooling, studys, training, anything like that. If I hear from Chiron or Dionysus that you're falling behind in the slightest I will terminate this quicker then Hera threw Hephestus out of Olympus. Do you both understand?'

'Yes.' The demi gods said in unison.

'Good, now you two go off. Enjoy the solstice.' Zeus fanned them away, the demigods getting away from their parents as quick as possible. They were still able to hear the conversation for a little bit.

'The first rule is ridiculous, Athena. Let them have fun with their love.' Aphrodite colmapined.

'You may dis like virginity, but I feel it is a good way to prevent distractions. Besides, it 's not like I said they can never sleep together, they just have to wait till marriage.' Athena explained.

'Still seems cruel to me, right Ares, you're on my side?'

'Of course.'

Clarisse and Y/n were not fair enough to not be able to hear the fight. They had found a nice little closed hallway to find it. Y/n lended against the wall laughing so hard she was gasping for air. This made Clarisse laugh, she stood in front of her girlfriend with her head resting on her shoulder.

'Well, it could have been worse.' Y/n joked once she could breath properly again.

'You bet it.' Clarisse responded, taking her head off her girlfriend's shoulder and gently pressing a kiss on her lips. 'Now I have permission from Athena to date you. That's pretty cool, shows how awesome I am.'

Y/n giggled at her comment, resting her arms around Clarisse's shoulder and linking her hands behind her neck. 'Yeah, guess that is pretty cool.'

The two stayed right there for a little bit, jumping between talking and kissing. Clarisse was starting to move her hands from Y/n's waist to her thighs, messing with the hem on her girlfriend's skirt. Y/n saw an opportunity and took it. She pulled away from Clarisse's lips and grabbed her hand, looking offended. 'My dear, we must wait till marriage. You heard my mother.'

'Oh come on, we both know that boat sailed a long time ago.' Clarisse kissed her girlfriend again but she slipped to the side, making Clarisse fall into the wall.

'Yes, but now we must honour the promise we made.' Y/n dramatically flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder as she turned on her heels and walked back to the party. She knew this was pissing Clarisse off. She didn't make it three steps without feeling someone wrapping their arms around her. Before Y/n knew it she was in Clarisse's arms and her girlfriend carried her bridal style back to where they were before. She put Y/n back down against the wall kissing her neck.

'So funny, darling. But you know I'm not one for keeping promises.' She whispered before biting down on Y/n's neck. She pulled away to look her girlfriend in the eyes. 'Shall I continue or stop?'

'Continue please.' Y/n responded, and Clarisse did just that.

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