Movie Night

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'How can you watch this stuff?' Y/n asked, turning away from the laptop and towards her girlfriend who was enjoying the horror movie a little to much. Clarisse chuckled to herself, wrapping her arms around the girl who seemed to be trying to hide in her neck.

'It's just a movie darling, none of this is real.' Clarisse stoked her girlfriend's dark purple hair and pressed a kiss on her head.

'I know but still, that girl was just splattered with blood from her sink, and a boy had his arm torn off before being eaten!' Y/n complained. Clarisse found it adorable. She loved being the one to make her girlfriend feel safe, the one to hold her and protect her when she was scared. That's why she insisted on watching a horror film, not because Clarisse liked them but because she knew Y/n would want Clarisse to hold her during the scary parts. The thunderstorm outside really helped to make the movie more scary.

The daughter of Hecate screamed at the scene of the clown making a puppet of the boy from the start of the movie. She clinged on to Clarisse for dear life, her arms tight around her neck and face buried into her shoulder. Clarisse held her tight with one hand and with the other grabbing the remote and turning the movie off. She rubbed her girlfriend's back, pressing a soft kiss against her cheek.

'I'm sorry Misty girl, it's turned off I promise.' She whispered into Y/n's ear which seemed to calm her down. She lifted her head off Clarisse's shoulder, glaring at the daughter of Ares.

'You little shit, I'm never letting you pick a movie ever again!' She jokingly yelled, pushing herself off her girlfriend, making Clarisse laugh and Y/n glare at her even more (If that was possible). 'First that ghost face thing, then the doll one, then the disgusting inaccurate witch one-'

'Hey, don't shit on the craft, the new one yes but not the og one.' Clarisse interrupted but quickly shut up, noticing how annoyed Y/n looked.

'Why can't we watch normal movies? Is that so hard for you? Or do you just crave violence that much?' Y/n tried saying with a serious face but just ended up laughing at herself.

'Okay, okay I get it. I won't make you watch any more horror films. Happy?' Clarisse laughed. Her girlfriend crossed her arms and made a pouty, angry look at her. 'And you can stay with me tonight?' Y/ns eyes widened and she nodded. Clarisse lifted her arms, inviting her back onto the bed with her, which Y/n took. She crawled onto Clarisse's chest, resting her head on her shoulder. The two stayed like that for the rest of the night watching superhero movies, filling Clarisses need for violence and avoiding horror for Y/n.

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