A/N (pls read)

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whaats up. in this fic everyone is aged up by 7 years, so craig and tweek and all them are 17. craigs younger sister is 13 n so is karen.

fun stuff-
i do NOT (!!) write any smut for 2 reasons. 1- i don't wanna. 2- i am just very uncomfortable doing that. if anyone EVER asks, i will find your house.

my writing is not perfect, i don't know large words because i'm not that old and learning words it's too complex like i'm chill with my tiny boring words.

this is my first time writing a creek fic so the personalities will be a little off. tweek will be less twitchy and paranoid because he's older but still is kinda.
*also my first time writing an actual book in first person ..

idk i think thats all. so basically don't expect a perfect epic cool awesome fanfic its just gonna be here ig 👍

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