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  CLYDE POV. (i love doing his pov)

I was sitting next to Craig on the bus, pitifully watching him look at Tweek. He had to move his seat so now he sat closer so we could see him. It was just him there.

"His seats empty, why don't you go sit with him?" I spoke up, nudging Craig's shoulder. He looked at me, his blank expression was insanly hard to read.

"No," He said and his gaze was brought towards the window. Ugh, this dude, I swear to god.

"Well come on, you can at least still be his friend!" I told him. It's like the second best thing.

"I only became his friend for the sole purpose of telling him I like him. There's no point," Craig said in an aggressive whisper.

"You can't seriously keep this up. You're just being a chicken," I stated the facts.

"I don't care what i'm being. Can you please just drop it?" Craig released his angry tone and was replaced with his usual one.

The real answer to that is no, I can't drop it. I know I can just put a stop to this all right now, but i'm not because I don't want everyone knowing I used to like Scott. Mainly just Bebe, actually. I don't want her to be mad or something.

"I'm sorry," I told Craig. Sorry for a reason he doesn't even know.

"It's fine, you're just trying to help," Craig looked from the window to the chair in front of him. I shrug and look forward too.

At school, I left Craig to go find Tolkien, he drove to school today. I caught him walking up to the school and I ran up to him. I pulled him beside the building.

"Yesterday I overheard Cartman saying he started the rumor and got the girl to kiss Craig but when I confronted him he said if I told Craig he'd tell people something and I don't want that to happen but I also want Craig to know and I don't know what to do!" I ranted.

Tolkien mindlessly blinked a few times as if trying to process everything.

"Wait.. so basically if you tell Craig then Cartman will tell people a secret of yours?" Tolkien asked.

"Yes." I said with a nod.

"Then i'll tell Craig," he said simply. Did he not just hear anything I said?

"Are you crazy? No."

"You said if you tell him. I'll do the telling, you don't even have to be there. Cartman doesn't have anything on me, i've never even made direct eye contact with that fat bitch, let alone speak to him." Tolkien was insanely smart. That could just about work.

"Okay, yeah let's do that! Lunch time, we'll tell," I nodded again and we walked inside together.

Through my first two classes I did two things. Those being doing my work exceptionally well, and also having my brain rot because the day was feeling so long. I just want it to be lunch so Tolkien can tell Craig and him and Tweek can live happily ever after.

The bell rang again, signalling class was over. It was lunch. I found Tolkien waiting outside the cafeteria. We walked in together and easily spotted Craig sitting alone. He didn't have any food or anything, he was just on his phone.

"Craig! I have something to tell you. Me, Tolkien Black. Clyde has no part, like, Clyde?? Why are you even here?" Tolkien started off with.

"Hm, boy I don't even know," I said in a sarcastically serious tone and tapped my chin. Me and Tolkien sat down.

"Anyways, Craig I got to tell you, C-" before Tolkien could even say his name, Cartman sat down next to Craig.

"Hey, guys!" He said. Craig had to move over a little bit to not get his diseases and also because he was practically taking up the whole bench.

Me and Tolkien look at each other and stood up. "We're going to the bathroom," Tolkien announced.

"Together?" Craig asked. We both nodded. "Um, why?" Craig continued to ask another question. Jesus dude.

Tolkien and I were struggling to come up with a logical excuse, so I came up with the bright idea of; "I have a butt rash, Tolkien's gonna make sure no one comes into the bathroom while I do.. butt rash stuff."

After that we both walked away. Tolkien burst into laughter after we left the cafeteria. "Really? That's all you could think off?" He said.

"Yes! It worked, didn't it? We have to find Tweek now," I said, sticking my tongue out. Tolkien nodded in agreement.

We checked the library then the bathrooms and around the halls. We then went outside which is where we found him.

"Tweek, hi!" I yelled. He jumped around and almost dropped his half eaten sandwich. Tolkien and I sat down on the stairs next to him.

"AGH! What?" Tweek yelled back.

"What's up, how are you? Sandwich looks pretty good, you make that yourself?" I started off our conversation.

"Uh, nothing.. Yeah, I did," Tweek told us, looking terrified. I wonder why though, I didn't see anything scary.

"Great! A very nice shirt you are wearing today," Tolkien told him, pointing at the shirt that he wears a lot.

"What's happening?" Tweek said, looking between Tolkien then me over and over.

"Nothing much. You gay?" I asked. Tweek stopped his head to stare at me with his jaw dropped.

"Excuse me?" He said, sounding bewildered.

"You gay?" I repeated. Tweek closed his mouth before talking again.

"What the hell kind of question is that?" He looked very.. shocked, confused, and just utterly terrified, all in one.

"Well I can say it again," I shrugged. I didn't think it was that big of a flabbergasting question but oh well.

"No, don't! I just don't know why you're asking me," Tweek started playing around with his fingers.

"Just with the whole rumor going around and plus we heard you like kissed some girl and is dating her?" Tolkien chimed in the conversation which made Tweek ease up a bit.

"Oh, okay. All that's fake, I was with Craig the whole party. Even when he left you," He pointed at me. "you came in and sat me down and walked away. I don't even know who that girl is. When she dragged me away from Craig she just said okay bye and left. I found her at the end of the day and she explained how she was just paid to kiss me from a top secret source. So i'm not with anyone, I don't.. eh, yes, I am gay." Tweek checked off the mental list items I had up in my mind.

Gay? Check. Single? Check. Everything fake? Also check! This was perfect. Now Craig gets to know too!

"Alright, thanks, Tweek. Appreciate it man, up top!" I raised my hand hoping for a super epic high five. Instead he just uncertainly lightly tapped his hand against mine. That can't even be classified as a high five.

Tolkien and I stood and made our way back inside.

We didn't get any chance to tell Craig during school. We never had enough time, and when we tried telling him during class the teacher yelled at us. So on the bus ride home I told him. Tolkien was driving home so he couldn't. I told Bebe I used to like Scott. That's the only person I care who knows. She didn't care though since it was like five years ago. I only got with her last summer.

I explained it all to Craig, and after a few questions from him and long answers from me, he knew everything and everything was. Now to just sit back and let it all happen.

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