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I am so confused. If I searched up confused in the dictionary my name would surely be under it. I just spent the past half hour laying in bed, just being confused.

First, i'm going to confess. Then i'm not, then I am, then i'm not, and now I am. I should really make up my mind. It's all Cartman's fault though, blame it on him.

Tweek and I haven't talked since Tuesday morning. It was currently Thursday after school. Friday was going to be a very busy day. Kicking Cartmans ass will probably happen, and I just want to tell Tweek I like him before anything crazy happens again.

My eyes began to grow heavy. All this thinking sure is making me tired. I pulled my blanket over me and let myself fall asleep.

I woke up before my alarm. This is perfect, time goes slower when i'm awake and not doing anything, which pushes everything back a little further. I wasn't sure what time it was but i'd be sure to use it wisely. I checked my phone to see the time, only to find it was-

10:00?!? Holy shit, i'm late. i'm so late. i've missed the bus and my first class. I jumped out of bed and threw on the nearest clothes. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, fix my hair a bit and end up giving up. I run back to my to get my phone and backpack then run out of my house. I had no clue if I forgot anything, I was too focused on walking to school.

I wasn't running because I already felt strangely tired from the morning. I sat down for a moment on the sidewalk to catch my breath, plus I felt just a little dizzy. I was fine, probably just an abrupt wake up and it shocked my brain or something scientific like that.

I wasn't too worried about hurrying to school, I was already late so it wasn't really making a difference. I walked the rest of the way, supposedly giving my brain time to brain.

I already missed the bus and first period to talk to Tweek so I was determined not to miss lunch. by the time I got to school there was only twenty minutes left in my second class.

"Craig, you're very late," The teacher said as if I didn't already know that.

"Really? I had no idea," I told her in my most sarcastic voice I was capable of at the moment. The twenty minutes went by pretty fast since I was mainly focused on doing the work I missed. After the bell rang I put the pages in my backpack to do at home and made my way down to the cafeteria to look for Tweek there first.

I easily found him sitting at a table with Jimmy, Butters, and Kenny. Jimmy used to be friends with me, but after the high school change we just drifted apart.

"Tweek, hi, can I sit here?" I asked, pointing to the vacant spot next to him. I realized now that I wouldn't even be able to talk to him properly since there were others, but that was fine, at least I was talking to Tweek.

"Yeah, of course," Tweek smiled and moved over a bit. He was sitting next to Jimmy already so I just sat at the edge to be next to just Tweek.

During that lunch period I talked with his friends and I think I got along with them just fine. I guess Kenny got tired of Cartman if he was over here.

Clyde and Tolkien also noticed me sitting with them, but they never asked me to come back to our table.

The bell suddenly rung and I offered to walk Tweek to his class.

"Are you sure?" He asked as I stood by him, waiting for him to throw away his garbage from his food.

"Yup, my class is just across the hall anyways," I reminded him. We walked out together and reached the class in no time. We waved goodbye and parted.

After that class was math, which I had with Clyde and Tolkien. The millisecond I sat down they were already bombarding me with questions. Most being of where were you at the beginning of the day, and what were you and Tweek talking about.

I explained both of them and the two calmed down.

Today was going by quite fast because the next thing I knew, school was over and now I was on the bus.

I saw Tweek walk on and sit alone again. If nobody say there by the time the bus left, I will sit there. After two more minutes the bus doors closed and drove away. Tweek still had an open spot. I stood up and made my way over there.

"Can I sit here?" I asked, holding on to the back of his chair. Tweek looked at me and nodded. I sat down.

"Can you hang today at Stark's Pond at like six?" I asked him. Tweek took a moment to think before responding.

"Yeah, I can. I probably need to ask my dad anyways but still can," Tweek told me. Perfect.

At six today, Tweek will know after six months, that I like him.

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