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I was all ready to meet with Tweek. I was wearing my usual plain white shirt with my black jeans and blue zip up hoodie. It was 5:30, the time I planned on leaving.

Even with the gut wrenching pain of anxiety that was held in my chest, I walked downstairs and was ready to leave.

My mom told me to come eat dinner but I had more things prioritized at the moment. I was currently mentally dying and I could feel my intestines on the verge of exploding. With all that going on, I still kept my emotionless straight face.

I got to Starks Pond at 5:40, which gave me approximately twenty minutes to rehearse every little thing that might happen. When Tweek got here, I was prepared for the best and the worst.

"Hi, Craig!" Tweek said, sitting down next to me. I looked up from my lap and smiled a bit.

"Tweek, hi. I just uh, have something to tell you." I awkwardly scratched at my legs when I said that. My smile also dropped a bit.

"Alright, go on," Tweek said.

I opened my mouth and nothing came out. Oh god, no this can't be happening. Not right now. I need to say something, this isn't how I planned it. Not at all.

Tweek gave me a confused look. He wasn't helping. Stop looking at me. He didn't look away. He kept looking at me. This isn't helping. Why aren't I looking away?

I turned to face forward and I managed to whisper out "um."

"Are you okay? Take your time, it's just you're looking pale," Tweek spoke.

"Yeah, i'm okay. I've never had to do this before," I replied. That was easier to say since I wasn't literally confessing my love for him.

"I wanted to say I like you. A lot. For a while, too. I was too scared. I just wanted to tell you." After I said that I looked at Tweek. He looked terrified. He always looks terrified, but this was different.

"Um. I.. I don't like you back," Tweek shook his head. He stood up and backed away. "I'm sorry, Craig." Tweek bolted into the streets, presumably back to his house.

No. This isn't happening. None of this is happening. I thought I prepared myself for the worse but I hadn't. I'm too sucked up into the books and movies where everyone likes everyone back.

Of course he wouldn't like me. I was out of my mind crazy thinking he would.

I stared forward at the pond for forty minutes. it was 6:40. I should've been home a long time ago. I managed to bring myself to my feet and wasn't surprise when my vision blurred again.

I trudged out onto the street then all the way home. I don't even know what to think anymore. Tweek doesn't like me.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket all the way home. Probably Clyde or Tolkien.

I get home by seven.

"Craig, where did you go?" My dad asked. My mom looked expectantly at me too.

I gave them both the finger and walked to my room. My sister opened her door and asked me something I couldn't quite catch. Before slamming my door in her face, I gave her the finger too.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone to look at just how many notifications I had.

Clyde called me 12 times and texted me 18. Tolkien called 7 times and messaged me 24. They probably just wanted to know what happened.

I tossed my phone into a pile of clothes near my hamper and stuffed my face in my pillow. Well, now what? Nothing.

I'm not even crying or anything, i'm just laying there feeling extremely upset. Crying won't even do anything so there's no point in that. Also being awake won't help anything.

I shut my eyes and rolled over so I could breathe. I lay there until I fell asleep. It felt like forever. My thoughts clouded my mind and it was impossible to push them away. I wanted to sleep. Eventually I did fall asleep. Maybe when I wake up, i'll be in a different universe where Tweek likes me back.

just gonna give you guys a full day to yk reflect on today events!! i like cliffhangers it makes me giggle, adios pals!

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