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   On the bus Clyde left me to sit with Tolkien since Nichole was away. I probably looked so stupid sitting there alone, but I didn't really care because at least I wouldn't have to deal with talking to anyone.

The bus stopped again to pick up the last group of kids which unfortunately consisted of Cartman and his stupid friends. Fortunately Tweek was at that stop too. I watched him walk onto the bus and then I turned my gaze to look out the window in case I made eye contact with anyone who needed a new seat.

Even with my very obvious look of not wanting anyone to sit next to me, I still heard someone sitting there. I wanted to turn over and tell them to get the fuck off this seat. I did do that. The turning over part, actually. I was about to speak before I realized it was Tweek who had sat next to me.

I just sort of stared at him. Tweek? Wanted to sit next to me? If it was because of our conversation two days ago on Saturday, I would surely be making the talking thing a daily, or even weekly occurrence.

Tweek looked at me and that's when I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at my legs.

"Why're you staring? Do I ha-have something on my f-face?" Tweek said, wiping his cheek in case something was there.

Then I did something I thought i'd die before doing. I brought up my hand and used to gently take Tweeks wrist and bring it back down to his side.

"No, you've got nothing on your face. Sorry, I was just surprised you'd sit next to me is all," I said. Also because he's beautiful but that part didn't seem necessary to tell him.

"Well Kenny took my seat and my options were either you or Cartman, and you were definitely the better choice," Tweek explained.

I was the better choice. Tweek meant nothing by that, I know he just means between me and Cartman. Everyone's better compared to that fat slug. But hearing Tweek say that meant a lot to me and he has absolutely no idea.

"I guess so. We have first class together, yeah? Would you want to walk together or something, I don't know," As soon as I said that I realized how stupid it sounded so I just looked back down at my legs and began playing with the zipper on my backpack.

"Sure," Tweek said. I was slightly shocked to hear him say that, if I heard anyone asking me that the same way I asked Tweek, i'd turn them down without a second thought.

However I am glad he agreed. We already had a full conversation and now he's sat beside me on the bus. Mainly because there's no where else but still. This is progress. After five months, this is progress.

The bus stopped at the school and as soon as me and Tweek got off Clyde was jumping all over me. At this point I don't know if he's naturally this hyper or just eats a whole bunch of candy every morning.

"Craig! Guess what!" Clyde yelled into my ear. I pushed him away.

"I think you just gave me ear drum damage. What do you want?" I said, very clearly annoyed.

"Nothing, actually," Clyde said with a smile as he walked into the school. I shook my head at him.

Tweek was still standing next to me. I held up my offer about walking him to class so while Clyde and Tolkien turned left, me and Tweek kept going straight.

"Are you just going to leave them?" Tweek asked, looking back.

"Yes," I replied simply. Tweek looked forward again and nodded.

When we reached the classroom Tweek took his seat in the second row and I took my seat in the back. I could see Tweek just fine from here.

The teacher started blabbing on about the work we needed to finish. She passed out two sheets and took a seat at her desk.

I don't think she realized I spent the whole hour work period staring at a boy. Even if she did, I couldn't hear a single thing she was saying, I was too busy watching Tweek struggle to get his work done. His hands lifted to his hair and he began tugging on it as if it would help him think. I wanted to go over there and swat his hands away from his head, but I figured it would be way too weird.

Before I knew it the bell rung and the only thing I wrote on my page was my name. I shoved it in my backpack, not caring if it crumpled. I'd do it at home or something.

Tweek was gone by the time I glanced at his desk. I walked out of that room and towards my next class. Clyde came running from no where and jumped on my back.

"Craig, there's a party next Friday man, you've got to come!" Clyde said, choking me out while trying to stay on my back.

"Get off my back," I said without even acknowledging his question. He released his grip on my neck and hopped off.

"You coming?" Clyde asked.

"Where?" I questioned, just to annoy him. It definitely worked.

"The party, shit face," Clyde replied, shoving his shoulder into mine.

"Nope, I have better things to do," I told him. That was a lie. Friday nights for me are either spent at Tolkien's house with Clyde, or alone in my room binge watching some show while doing homework.

"Oh come on, what're you going to do, stalk Tweek some more?" Clyde stuck his tongue out at me. I pushed his face back.

"No, I just don't want to go to some stupid party," I said.

Clyde sighed and walked away. I figured he wouldn't ask anymore and would go to the party with literally anyone else. I was wrong about that.

During lunch he asked me so many times I had to walk away and lock myself in a bathroom stall so he wouldn't find me. Then he asked during my ten minute periods before each class. Then passed me at least fifty notes in our class together.

The bus is where I finally cracked. He sat behind me and kept tapping my head and asking.

"Craig, Craig, Craig! Did I tell you about the party? You should come!" Clyde told me for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Oh my god, Clyde! Please, I swear, stop talking. I'll go to the fucking party just stop talking," I told him, holding my head in my hands.

"Yes! Okay i'll leave you alone now," Clyde sat back in his seat and pulled out his phone. That's really all it took?

"I don't promise i'm staying long, though." I said. Clyde shrugged and kept tapping away at his phone.

Well, now i'm going to a party. Great.

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