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I woke up to find myself not only sleeping in the same bed as Tweek, but also straight up cuddling. When and how did this one happen. Not that i'm complaining or anything; this is pretty epic.

I was about to sit up and wait for Tweek to wake up while also pretending that absolutely nothing happened when I heard Tweeks bedroom door open. I quickly squeezed my eyes shut, then relaxed them so it seemed like I was sleeping.

I heard two people whispering back and forth. It was obviously Tweeks parents and they were definitely talking about us. I wanted so badly to just sit up and stare at the two until they walked out, because at the moment I was feeling very uncomfortable. Not physically, I was quite comfortable that way.

When they finally left I didn't actually sit up, I figured as long as I pretended to be sleeping it wouldn't be as weird. I stayed where I was until Tweek began moving slightly and I could tell he'd woken up.

"Craig?" Tweek whispered and tapped my head. I looked up at him pretending I had just woken up, but honestly that was the shittiest attempt i've ever tried to pull off.

We talked a little before we went downstairs. I sat on Tweek's counter while he made breakfast and coffee.

"Do you want some?" Tweek asked, pointing to the mug he was about to put coffee in. Right, Tweek doesn't know that I don't like coffee. I forgot about that part.

"Uh, no, thanks," I shake my head.

"You sure? Tastes the same as the one in Tweak Bros," Tweek told me. That doesn't make it any better?!

"I don't like that coffee." I'd have to tell him sooner or later.

"What?! You don't? Oh my god I thought people liked it, why w-"

"Tweek, no, no. I just don't like coffee in general. The taste, too bitter," I said, cutting off Tweek's rant.

"You don't like any coffee? Then why the fuck would you willingly — unless it wasn't — come into the shop every week and drink it?" Tweek asked frantically.

I put my hands on his shoulders before responding, "Calm down, you're too loud. I did it because.. well I liked you more than I hated coffee. I only went there to see you."

Tweek took a small pause before laughing. I gave him a confused look. Why is he laughing? Stupid question. That was obviously a stupid thing to say. Like you more than I hate coffee? Really? If I were Tweek I'd totally laugh too.

"Craig, y-you do know we sell drinks other then coffee.. right?" Tweek said, a wide small from laughing still plastered on his face.

Now it was my turn to take the small pause. I take back everything I just said. It's a fucking coffee shop, what the hell else do they sell.

"Yes..?" I replied, questioning myself more than him. Tweek shook his head at me.

"You are so stupid. If you ever come back to Tweak Bros i'll show you what else we got," Tweek said. I nodded. Cool.

Me and Tweek both finished eating our cereal and then I got a message from Tolkien.

yoooooo o wanna come over?? clydes getting on my last nerve i cant deal with him alone 😢

can tweek come tho

yes :)

"Hey, do you want to go over to Tolkien's house? Clyde will be there too," I asked Tweek.

"Yeah, sure. Are they okay with it?" Tweek responded.

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