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I ended up getting suspended for two days. It would've been a longer time but I reasoned with them on why I did it and besides, not even the principal likes Eric fatass Cartman.

"Alright, Craig you can just go home. I am aware you take the bus so you can just walk, think about your actions maybe," The principal said.

I gave him a thumbs up and the second he looked away I also raised my middle finger. Before he could notice I walked out of his office.

"Craig!" I looked over to see who was calling me, only to see it was Clyde. "Dude, you're getting suspended? Well now you can come to the party and not have to worry about school!"

"Nope, shut the fuck up Clyde. I have to go home now, see you whenever," I waved to him and left.

I don't get why schools suspend people. I don't even want to be at this shit school anyways, the only thing they're doing is making my life better. I wish I didn't reason with them and accept my week long suspension.

Around six is when Tweek came to my house. We were sitting in my room when Clyde decided he would call me.

"Dude!" Clyde screamed into the phone. "Tolkien isn't coming anymore because he found out there would be a whole whack load of cocaine and weed. You've got to come, i'm very lonely."

"Do not care. Won't Bebe be there?" I spoke.

"No, she's at Wendy's house and they're practicing volleyball or something lame like that."

"That sucks," I said before hanging up. I put my phone down and turned my head to Tweek. Did I mention he's not all that happy I was suspended? No? Well, he's not.

"What am I supposed to do without you at school? Be friendless and lonely?!" Tweek said, being a little overdramatic as he had other friends.

"Exactly what you did when we weren't even friends. You've got Butters and Jimmy. Even Clyde and Tolkien. It's only two days anyway," I told him.

"Yeah but you're better," Tweek said with a shrug. At that, I laughed. It was very true.

"I'm sure you will live without me. Besides you could literally just come over to my house or ask to go anywhere whenever you want," I say.

"I think I will," Tweek said with a small laugh. "Maybe we could even.. nevermind. Uh, what time is it?" I had never heard Tweek stop talking so abruptly.

"Seven. Now what were you talking about?" I responded before prying at his earlier words.

"I wasn't saying anything. Just a stupid question, I answered it for myself," Tweek said. I knew he was probably lying, though I didn't want to keep asking and make him uncomfortable or annoyed.

"Alright. Whatever you say," I said with a shrug and a chuckle. Tweek hit my shoulder.

"It was! I do that all the time," Tweek tried to sound serious but from my goofy grin he cracked a smile too and looked away.

"Oh, come on," I said with a laugh. I reached my hand out and lightly placed it on his cheek and turned his face so he was looking at me.

The second we caught each others gaze something just sort of clicked. My hand didn't leave his face. Holy shit, wait a minute. Are we about to kiss? No actual way. We inched closer. It's going to happen.

"Yo!" Someone screamed as they somehow loudly opened my door. My hand automatically pulled away from Tweek's face.

I looked towards my door only to be disappointed with Clyde standing there.

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