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(update: didn't learn how to spell numbers.)


Craig is finally unsuspended and back at school! I haven't seen him at all since Monday and boy did I miss that hunk of a man.

Tweek and Craig are sitting at the opposite side of the table talking about god knows what. Forgot to mention but it's lunch time. This time I noticed Craig actually had a tray of food in front of him and was eating it. That caused me to realize how i've never seen Craig eat at all in school. He's usually to busy complaining about how Tweek probably forgot about his existence whenever he wasn't directly looking at him.

It's been quite a while since me and Craig hung out. We most definitely should do that.

"Hey Craig, Tweek!" Starting off strong, if Tweek is involved it's scientifically proven Craig is 80% more likely to go. Considering the fact he also has no life and nothing better to do that's a whopping 180% chance! I like those odds. "Want to hang out with me after school at Tolkiens house?"

"Wait, why my house? I could be busy," Tolkien said. That's a super funny joke, I almost laughed.

"Yeah okay, you are never busy you just get your butler to do it or something," I rolled my eyes.

"I don't even have a butler..?" Tolkien spoke quietly. I nodded in a sarcastic way because he's rich and literally every rich person has a butler.

"If you two are done, we'll go," Craig told me. Sweet! Craig went back to talking to Tweek. Damn, i've got a girlfriend and those two still make me feel single. Where even is Bebe? Somewhere, probably. I'll invite them too and it'll be one big non-single people party!

When the last school bell rang I waited outside for all my friends. When everyone was there we all loaded in Tolkiens car. Bebe and Nichole would be coming at a later time so now it would just be an epic friend party.

"Alright let's do something real epic like... no we'll wait for the girls. Craig, care to join me in our game of guess how much each painting is worth while Tolkein looks at us disappointedly?" We should probably find a shorter name for that but whatever.

"Hell yeah! What do you think this family portrait is worth? Nothing, probably," Craig pointed to a picture of Tolkiens whole family and laughed.

"Real funny guys," Tolkien said then proceeded to laugh sarcastically.

"Alright, serious then. Craig, this picture of fruit and a lovely backround?" I spoke and pointed to a painting we haven't yet done.

"Yeah, yup. Gonna have to go a thousand for that one. I don't think it could be worth that much it's kind of lame," Craig said.

"Disagreed, a fun ten thousand is my guess," I said finally. I noticed Tweek looked like he was really inspecting that picture too. Maybe he'd have a guess. "Tweek? Any thoughts?"

"Um, three thousand two hundred." That was oddly specific.

"Oh, uh. Tweek's actually right. That was the exact price," Tolkien said, sounding a bit shocked.

"What! No fair. Tweek, you're not allowed to play this anymore," I stated and crossed my arms.

After that moment of my failure the girls came over. It's about to get lit in here! I was going to suggest spin the bottle but then it'd be a whole thing with people kissing the wrong person and Tweek and Craig being gay and all that.

"We should play truth or dare!" Second best choice. No one could possibly deny such a classic and fun game. I was right because everyone agreed.

"Since you offered Clyde, why don't you go first?" Bebe said to me.

"Okay. Tweek, truth or dare?" This is about to get good. I actually have no clue what to ask.

"Um.. t-truth?" Oh boy, Tweek looks like he's getting real nervous. Whoops. I'll go easy on him.

"When did you start liking Craig?" That's easy enough, right?

"Oh! Two months.." Tweek sounded uncertain about his own answer. Two months?! Craig's got about triple that.

"Is it my turn? Yeah? Okay, um, Craig, truth or dare?" Tweek spoke with an obvious hint of nervous laced in his tone of voice.

Oh boy, I sure do wonder what Craig will pick. "Truth." Big shocker right there, I almost gasped. Craig always chooses truth his first turn then dare the rest, it's insanely stupid.

"How long ago did you start liking me," Tweek suddenly became all confident and shit. Not too sure why though, Craig's answer isn't that great, just kind of stalker-ish at this point.

"Only like.. three months," Craig lied. He's a liar.

"Nuh-uh, Craig, tell the truth!" I said, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Fuck you, Clyde," Craig said in his usual monotone voice and gave me the finger.

"Come on, how long actually? It wasn't like, I don't know a few weeks or something was it?" Tweek spoke and nudged Craigs shoulder.

"Six.." Craig slowly said. God he wants to he edgy so bad.

"Six what? Days? Weeks? Bananas?" That was a funny one from Tweek.

"Six months," Craig said while scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Holy shit! I did not know it was that long god damn," Tweek said sounding very flabbergasted.

Yeah, I know Tweek. Super crazy I was shocked too. Poor guy, probably doesn't know he's dating a real loser. No bad boy dude who doesn't give a shit about every breathing thing, just a dude who doesn't know how to express his emotions and is also kind of dumb and honestly a big fat loser nerd. I love all my friends!!!!

After that lovely moment, we went back to playing the game and I found out Tweek used to unknowingly do meth and Nichole almost got kidnapped. Fun times I guess.

Sometimes I'm not the nicest to Craig and Tolkien and all the time Craig is mean to me and Tolkien just laughs but I do enjoy being around them. If it weren't for their epic and super hilarious personalities I probably wouldn't like them as much as I do.

You people probably want an ending in a Craig or Tweek point of view but guess what, i'm better than them and also super manly and buff so it's going to end with me, Clyde Donavon.

Back to my life, Craig just fell down the stairs and Tweek is freaking out. He'll probably be fine though. Oh, yeah nevermind that's a lot of blood. His leg scraped against something now it's bleeding a whole lot. I don't think Craig even cares considering he just said "It's everyday bro." You know, from that Jake paul song.


wow what an absolutely shit ending!!! its definitely something, i just decided to switch things up a little. by the way craig is fine i just felt a little silly.

hope you guys enjoyed this because i sure had an epic time writing it. i know the personalities are off but they are older so its definitely going to be different from when they were ten, but still tried to add in some of their original personality. i do not regret my choice to make craig an actual big fat loser nerd because hes just silly like that and also cuz i felt like it. thats overly long ok bye if anyone gots question just like ask i read all the comments anyways soooooooo

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