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TWEEK POV. (for the first time in foreverrr)

I don't think Craig realizes I can feel his stares. I know he stares at me when i'm making his order at Tweak Bros. I know he stares at me the whole time he's there, too. I know he stares at me through first period. It scared me. I thought he was out to get me at first.

It started out in November. It's now May. After December came around I figured he didn't want to follow me home and kill me. But if it wasn't that, what could it be?

I considered the possibility he wasn't even staring at me and I was just feeling paranoid like always. I fully convinced myself that because I felt I was being watched even when he wasn't around. I convinced myself until a Friday afternoon, hours before the party.

Craig hadn't come into the shop after school, which is unusual for him. Before I thought too much on it, I asked my dad if he'd seen Craig.

"Yes, he walked into Tweak Bros this morning but as soon as he noticed me, he walked right back out," my father had told me.

I thought Craig was in a rush and realized he had no time. I had my suspicions but I didn't want to think much on it. I did anyways and thought he only came there to see me.

I figured that was probably highly unlikely in the end, but after hearing Craig tell me he likes me, I know I was wrong. Craig only wanted to see me.

It was all right in front of me, so obvious. Any time Clyde talked to me it was all about Craig. At school one day, I don't even remember which day. The rumor and the girl, he asked me about that and even straight up asked me if I was gay.

I ignored everything though because I thought no one could really like me. I'm too crazy, I twitch too much, i'm too nervous, I can't do anything on my own, and I can't even properly talk to people.

Maybe if i'd have known Craig was going to confess, I would've been more prepared and able to tell the truth. Honestly, I do like Craig back. I was just too scared when he told me that and the only thing I could do was run away.

I want to tell him I didn't mean it. I do like him, I really do. Why didn't Craig run after me? He should've. Maybe then i'd be able to tell him the truth. I like you, Craig, Was all I wanted to say. I couldn't though, not in the moment. Really, I just want to be with him.

I can't do that right now though, Maybe tomorrow, when i'm done with work. For now, I will sleep on things.

When I woke up I went downstairs to make coffee and eat cereal. I started thinking how I would apologize to Craig. Definitely after three, which is when i'm off.

Throughout my shift at Tweak Bros I didn't once see Craig come in. Usually when he's not here Fridays he'd come here Saturday. With me quite literally rejecting him the other day, I guess I see why he's not here. Probably going to the coffee shop at the other end of town for the time being.

At three my dad told me I can stop working. I took off my apron and left it in the employee's only room. On the way back to my house I sent Craig a text asking if he wanted to come over to my house so I can explain things. If he hadn't blocked me then things should go well. Six minutes later he said he'd be there.


I didn't want to wake up early. However, Clyde and Tolkien broke into my house at nine am.

"You haven't answered our texts or calls. Come one man, you got to tell us what happened," Clyde said, aggressively shaking my shoulder.

I was on my stomach so my face was stuffed into my pillow, trying to go back to sleep. Clyde kept shaking my should while Tolkien poked the back of my head.

I finally sat up and pushed their hands away. "Go away," I said, dropping back onto my bed.

"I'm guessing things didn't go as planned?" Tolkien asked, taking a seat on my floor.

"No, they went just spectacular," I said sarcastically and threw my pillow at him.

"Well come on, we can't help you if we don't even know what happened," Clyde said. I sat up again and looked at the two who were sitting on my floor.

"He told me he doesn't like me," I said with a shrug as if it didn't kill me.

"Oh, yeah that's not too good," Clyde nodded along with what I said.

"Why don't you come over to my house? We can play games and just hang out," Tolkien suggested.

"No, not today. Maybe tomorrow," I told them. Clyde then disagreed with that and grabbed both my wrists and started literally dragging me out of bed.

"Okay, okay i'll go! Stop dragging me!" I shouted at him, trying to get free. Clyde dropped my arms and told me to get ready. Tolkien left my room behind Clyde.

I took a quick shower and changed my clothes before meeting them downstairs.

"Looking fresh! Tweeks really missing out on all this!" Clyde said while using a finger to make circles in the direction of me.

"Shut up," I said, pushing his head. I walked outside of my house, leaving them inside. They came outside a few seconds later.

"Took a granola bar," Clyde said while having a mouth full of it.

"I can tell," I mumbled. Clyde surprisingly let me have the front seat of Tolkien's car. It was extremely hard to fight the urge of clicking a bunch of buttons.

"What's this one do?" I asked, pointing to another button.

"Seat warmer," Tolkien said. I looked at him in shock.

"And they work?" I asked. Tolkien nodded. I think his car is the only car i've been in that have working seat warmers. The ones in my dads car are broken and he says it's too expensive to fix.

At Tolkien's house we played video games and then Clyde and I played our favourite game at Tolkiens house; guess how much each painting is worth while Tolkien looks at us disappointingly.

"Alright Craig, and how much do you think this lovely masterpiece goes for?" Clyde asks, pointing to a painting of a a fancy castle with a large flower garden.

"I'm gonna have to go with.. fifty thousand," I said confidently.

"Nah, I'm going thirty thousand. Can't be worth that much," Clyde said. "Alright Tolkien, moment of truth, how much?"

"Um, I think we got that off my dad's friend for like forty thousand," Tolkien told us.

"Wait then who wins?" Clyde asked with a frown.

"Me because i'm depressed," I said proudly.

"Aw damn it! Not like I get anything anyways," Clyde sighed. It was true, the winner never got anything, it was just fun.

I suddenly felt my phone buzzing. I held it up to see it was from Tweek asking to come over. Being with my friends really helped for the time being, but now everything's just come rushing back. I need to go.

"Uh, guys I have to go, Tweek just asked me to come over," I said, holding up my phone as an indication.

"Oh my god! Go, go on get! You must speak to him!" Clyde's face lit up and he started talking like someone in an old Disney movie.

I did leave though, I waved goodbye and ran all the way to Tweeks house. Since Tolkien lives on the rich part of town it did take a bit longer to get to Tweek's house. Around ten minutes i'd say. I was extremely tired, I was unsure why. I kept running though because this seemed important. I don't know what Tweek wanted to talk about but I sure as hell wanted to hear it.

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