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   I got home a bit after nine and the first thing I saw was my mom on the couch.

"Hi Craig, how was your party?" She asked in a sweet voice. I glared at her.

"Bad. Next time I ask to go to a party say no and ground me." I was entirely serious. Yes, talking to Tweek was good, but the party sucked ass.

"Why, did something happen?" She asked with a frown.

"No, it was just stupid," I flipped her off and walked upstairs. I shut my bedroom door after walking inside. I pulled off my clothes and changed into much comfortable ones.

As I lay in bed, blankly staring at the ceiling, I came to the realization that I should actually tell Tweek I like him. I know I should've done it before, but i'd always chicken out because we didn't even know each other. If we talk more, we can be friends and I can finally tell him. I don't even care if I get rejected at this point.



Ever since I found out Craig has liked Tweek for what is now six months and still hasn't done anything about it, I knew this was time for me to meddle.

So yes, I talked to Tweek a little about Craig one day after school, that's why I took a little longer to get out to go over to Tolkien's with Craig.

I only forced Craig to come to that party so I could also force Tweek and they could get drunk and make out or something. That didn't go according to plan at all. Here's a little party overview from me;

I dragged Bebe off to seem busy but I really just needed to get away to spy on them. Bebe left to go find her friends anyways and Tolkien was- I actually don't know.

As soon as I saw Craig walk away I figured that's probably why the two don't even talk. He didn't even make an effort, how's he expecting something to happen when he's not even trying?

He walked into the kitchen and I was just hoping he'd start drinking. I speed walked towards Tweek and sat him on a two seated couch that was perfectly visible the second you walked out of the kitchen. I told him to stay there and not to say anything about me before walking back to my spot.

Craig came out with a cup and a bowl of chips. Ew, never eat food at parties. I watched him sit next to Tweek. He ended up throwing the bowl away. Good. They talked more. This was perfect, the drinks were probably getting to him.

I thought that until I realized his cup was just full off that orange juice that expired last month. Seriously, how stupid is he.

I was about to step in and make things better until the two stood up and walked out together. I know there was no need stopping them, they'd probably do more outside the party then inside.

Alright, that's just the important parts.

I know that since they talked for however long it'd be less awkward next time. Yes, there will be a next time, and yes, I'm making that next time happen.

I called up Tweek and Craig separately and told them to meet me at Starks Pond. I called Craig first because I figured if he showed up first he'd actually call and figure out what happened and end up talking to Tweek. I actually don't know what Tweek would do that's like the main reason I called Craig first.

So fifteen minutes later I got a call from Craig. I answered.

"Yo, where are you? You said you'd already be here?" Craigs voice came out of my phone.

"I actually can't make it, sorry dude my dad said I had to stay just before I left," I told him a small lie.

"Your dad is at work. Seriously, dude, what's up?" Craig then sounded more concerned. Well that's just great, now Craig is going to think i've become one of the emos or something.

"Nothing. Sorry I lied i'm just.. having some problems with Bebe is all and I need to stay and talk to her." I am so good at lying. Me and Bebe are as perfect as perfect can be. Kind of.

"Oh, hope you solve your problem, I guess. So this means I can- huh? what? Clyde I have to uh.. go." Craig said voice kept getting quieter and louder, as if he kept moving his head away from his phone. I assumed Tweek showed up.

Before I could even say goodbye craig hung up on me. Now, I sit back, relax, and wait for them to get together. After calling Bebe and explaining what I said before Craig told anyone else about our nonexistent problem.



I was on call with Clyde after he didn't show up to what was supposed to be us hanging out. He explained his reason why he can't go and while I was in the middle of replying, I saw Tweek walking towards me. I kept looking from Tweek back to my phone while trying to say a goodbye to Clyde.

I put my phone away and stood up to wave to him. He looked behind him before waving back. He looked genuinely happy to see me.

"Hey, Tweek. What're you doing here?" I asked him.

"Clyde asked me to come here but I don't see him," Tweek shrugged, fidgeting with his hands.

That's why. Did Clyde seriously call the both of us here to cancel and get us to talk? I figured I probably shouldn't tell Tweek that Clyde did the same to me. Were him and Bebe even having problems?

"Oh, okay. Hold on I have to make a call," I said, unlocking my phone.

"Me too," Tweek said. We both backed a way a little so we could have our calls.

"Hello?" said Bebe after she answered the phone. I figured if Clyde was doing this to me, I could do this with Clyde.

"Bebe, hi! Hope you and Clyde are doing better now," I said, trying not to sound sarcastic.

"What do you mean? Me and Clyde are already good," She sounded so confused it almost made me want to laugh.

"Alright then. It's just Clyde called me and said you guys were having a problem." I'm having so much fun with this, even if I did sound entirely serious.

"The fuck? Excuse me, Craig, I have to call Clyde and see what this is all about because last time I checked, neither of us did literally anything," Bebe sounded a bit annoyed. I said a goodbye and she hung up.

Wait, now I have to deal with Clyde later. Oh god that's never fun.

I made my way towards the bench I was sitting at before and sat back down. I watched Tweek hang up the call he was on and walk towards me.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" Tweek asked, pointing to the vacant spot next to me. I nodded my head and he sat.

"I see why you're here, not really, I just mean it's real peaceful," Tweek broke our, what I thought to be, comfortable silence.

"It is, yeah. Nobody even goes here so that's a plus," I say as if this isn't the third time i've been to this pond. Tweek is right though, it is peaceful. I should start coming here more often.

"Not since Shi Tpa Town, no," Tweek shook his head while still staring at the water.

We talked for a few more minutes before I did something that I wanted to immediately kill myself after.

"Hey can I have your number? Just to talk more or something," I mentioned.

"Sure!" Tweek unlocked his phone and handed it to me. I handed it back after a second.

Well, now I had Tweeks number. This is going surprisingly well. Maybe Clyde's interference is actually helpful. Tomorrow I should thank him.

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