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Tweek and Craig are talking. God, he probably figured out the rumor wasn't true and now he's put his plan back into motion. Not yet. He can do it later, me personally, I would like to have my fun now.

Considering all of that, I did the only logical thing and paid a girl twenty buck to kiss Tweek and drag him off.


I will confess to Tweek today. I had talked to him this morning and used my lunch to talk to him. I found him in the halls just as the bell rung.

"Tweek!" I shouted out to him. He turned around and waved to me with a smile. Oh my god, he's beautiful.

Tweek waved to me as I stopped walking.

"Did you want to come to-" Stark's Pond after school with me, would've been what I finished with. Instead it was replaced with a small, barely audible, oh.

A girl came from around the corner and pulled him in for a kiss that was quick, but to me it felt like an hour.

"Come on, Tweek!" Her stupid high pitched voice squeaked out. She took his hand and walked away. Tweek trailed behind her. He looked over his shoulder and his face looked so confused. Probably what I was going to say.

I held my usual blank expression, but inside I was suffocating. Not just literally, too. So much for this confession bullshit.

I made my way to the washrooms, the only thought clouding my mind being, my mistake was ever talking to him in the first place.

I should've kept to myself. I would get over him after high schools done and we both go our separate ways for collage. Although having to stay just friends with him for a whole other year and few months made me want to scream until I can't even whisper.

I opened the door to the boys bathroom and walked in. All the stalls were full. Lunch time fucking sucks. I just want to be home. Before waiting another second I left.

As I was walking down the hall, I noticed Clyde walking towards me. He pulled me up against some lockers. Not slamming me onto them, just sort of standing in front.

"I just got the most mind blowingly amazing idea ever for you and your confession," Clyde told me with wide hand motions.

"Huh? Oh, yeah no, i'm not doing it anymore," I shook my head and put my hands in my pocket.

"What do you mean, you're not doing it? You have too! What did he do; look at you funny?" Clyde's expression dropped and looked extremely distressed. How do people do facial expressions?

"No, I don't have too. Clyde, he's more than likely straight, and straight people don't go around kissing boys. Especially boys like me," I told him, pointing at myself with that last word.

"What do you mean? If Tweek is going to kiss any boy, it's so gonna be you," Clyde said. "Also I don't think he's straight, like at all."

"Sure. Some girl came up to him while I was about to ask if he could meet at Stark's Pond. Before I could finish what I said she kissed him and they walked away."

"Damn. Well there's still this tiny thing called bisexual, where someone likes girls and boys," Clyde told me.

"There's a tiny thing called i'm going to hit you if you don't stop talking. I warned you, anything small and i'm backing out. That happened, i'm gone," I raised my hands before walking away and dropping them back at my side. It was all true.

I waited out the rest of the day, not exactly avoiding Tweek, but not trying to find him either. I saw him again, talking with the girl who kissed him. I think they're together, and that pains me beyond my comprehension.

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