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I am currently standing at my bus stop next to Clyde and a few other kids I actually do not know. I was hoping to stand in silence because talking in the morning is a lot of work. Of course Clyde had something to say though.

"There's a party. Someone's birthday I think, I don't know I kind of forgot. You coming with me?" Clyde asked.

"On a Monday? No thanks, i'm not trying to feel more shitty throughout the week," I told him. No way was I going to any high school party on a Monday night. Mondays are for sleeping early which ensures a long, much needed sleep.

Before Clyde could say his thoughts out loud, the bus pulled up and I silently thanked the bus driver for arriving at this perfect time.

I noticed Tweek already on the bus. I thought he was at the next stop? I decided I actually did not care and sat next to him. Clyde unfortunately sat in the empty seat behind us.

"Excuse me, this is my usual seat," Some poor boy pointing out to Clyde who was somehow taking up the entire seat.

I called him a poor boy because Clyde started growling at him. I'm not even joking. Full on growling, like a wild dog and everything. It only got worse when he added a few barks in there.

The boy looked at him with the most terrified look i've ever seen and ran to the back of the bus. Sometimes I am ashamed to say Clyde is my friend.

"Anyways. Yo Tweek do you want to come to an epic party!" Clyde said as if he wasn't barking at someone two seconds ago.

"You just going to act as if you weren't full on barking a minute ago?" I said, butting into their conversation.

"Yeah pretty much. Tweek? Yay or nay?" Clyde casually spoke. Tweek looked uncertain and looked to me.

"Are you going?" Tweek asked me. I didn't hesitate to say no.

"Well I- i'm not going if Craig isn't," Tweek shook his head. Clyde definitely took that one personally.

"What! Come on Tweek don't be a little puppy and follow Craig around, he's lame anyways. Be a man, explore the world! Come to the party!" Clyde spoke trying to sound like a wise old man.

"He's actually right. Nothing what he said though, just the point. You don't have to not go just because i'm not. Go if you want," I told Tweek.

"No, the last party wasn't even good, i'm not really interested in another one," Tweek shrugged. That's also a reason I didn't want to go.

"You want to come over to my house instead?" I asked. I can push my sleep back for Tweek. Not for Clyde's lame party.

"Yeah, sure," Tweek smiled at me.

"I have so many insults to say right now," Clyde mentioned before leaning back into his seat.

TWEEK POV. (no way)

When we got to school Craig and I walked together to class. Clyde left to go find Tolkien I think.

While we were walking I glanced over at Craig. He was avoiding looking to any of the people walking and standing around us. He holds the same expression as always, it's near impossible to figure out what he's thinking or feeling. That's why when he passed out I had no clue because the only thing that changed was him becoming extremely pale.

My thoughts piled on top of each other so when I got to my class I don't even remember what I was thinking before.

I took my seat at the front. The teacher gave a mini lecture before passing out sheets and just telling us to do it. I read through it and began stressing. Some of them were easy and I could guess on the others but i'd assume many people would stress after the words start forming together and blurring. God, I really hate tests and pages with so many questions.

My hands automatically raised to my hair and tugged on it. I don't know why I do it, it never helps, just makes my head hurt.

My phone lighting up on my desk brought me out of my thoughts and I loosed my grip on my hair and lowered one hand. I pulled it towards me, seeing it was from Craig.

stop pulling your hair.

The message made me smile and drop my other hand. I looked behind me to see Craig looking at me. I switched my gaze back to the page in front of me.

Just from one simple message, I was able to complete the page without pulling my hair. I don't think Craig really realizes the impact he has on me. I can only hope nothing bad happens.

The bell rings and i'm off to my next class. After that is lunch.

I stand up after the bell rings and begin walking in the direction of the cafeteria. I was hoping Craig would hold up what he said and eat at school since other times he forgets. I still don't 100% believe him but he's not saying much else about it.

I look everywhere around the cafeteria and don't spot him. I walked over to where he usually sits; with Clyde and Tolkien.

They weren't much help. They tell me they haven't seen Craig since the bus. Where the hell else could he be?

I occasionally saw Craig sitting out back during break so I decided I would check there first.

When I opened the back door I was met with the sight of Craig on top of Cartman repeatedly punch his face. There was nobody else around to stop them so i'm assuming if it weren't for me Craig would keep punching Eric until he broke his knuckles or until the bell rang.

I grabbed onto Craig's sleeve and pulled him away from Eric. He gave him the finger before I dragged him inside.

"What the hell are you thinking, beating Cartman up like that?" I shook my head at his stupid actions. "On school property? Craig, you are going to get suspended."

"He's the one who started that rumor and paid the girl to kiss you. He got what he had coming," Craig reasoned.

I guess he was right, Eric is a bitch. But why school property? He should've waited until after school to do it.

I pull Craig into the washroom and run his knuckles under warm water. I watched his blood flow down the drain and sighed.

"Keep your hand there," I instructed before walking away to grab paper towel. I came back and took his hand out of the water.

"Cartman deserved what he got. But now look at your hand," I said, holding his hand up as if he wasn't aware his own hand was cut open.

Craig only shrugged. I just hope he wouldn't get suspended or anything.

if anyone comments anything weird to the "butted into their conversation" i will shove a stick so far up your ass that when you open your mouth you will be able to see the stick.

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