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tweek ❤️
craiiiiiggggggffddu vgdswbbgffhjhgf

hello !?

tweek ❤️
wanna go out a nd grt coffee

yes i do :)

tweek ❤️
okay thwn im akeeady at taeak beos just fo over thwrte
im atol working though ny shift ends lik hakf hour yhough

i'll be there fifteen mins

That's pretty much how I ended up at Tweak Bros this fine Sunday morning.

Since I got Tweeks number we've been talking a lot more, something i'm extremely thankful for. Unfortunately it was mainly Clyde I was thankful for.

I opened the doors of Tweak Bros. Yes, I was already there, how magical.

Tweek was standing behind the counter, playing with a hair tie. He looked up after I walked in and slipped the tie on his wrist.

"Hey! My dad will be here like five minutes. What did you want to order?" Tweek said with a smile and wave.

"Black coffee. Also one of those cupcakes," I said, pointing to the cupcakes in the display case. "Are those new?"

"Yeah, My parents wanted to discontinue something, so they had to get something new," Tweek told me.

I nodded and held out a ten dollar bill. He took it, gave me my change and started making my coffee.

"Did you want milk this time?" Tweek asked.

"Sure," I said with a shrug he couldn't see. Why not get it, stupid thing already tastes like shit, at least now it won't be scorching hot.

Tweek came back with my coffee and placed a cupcake next to it. Then, perfect timing, Tweeks dad walked in and Tweek got to finally stop working. He walked into the back for a bit before stepping back out.

We sat down at a table and while Tweek started talking to me I took a bite out of the cupcake. It was actually really good. I took another bite and placed it down. I wasn't feeling too hungry. I'll eat the rest after i'm done my coffee, maybe it'll wash away the taste.

"Craig are you okay?" I looked up to see Tweek had asked me the question.

"Yeah, just got caught up in my thoughts is all. What were you saying?" I replied truthfully. I do think a lot, my mind is never empty.

"That's not what I meant.." I heard Tweek whispering. "Um, okay." Tweek continued to talk and I occasionally replied. I was going to say something too, but I was a bit busy trying not to throw up this coffee all over the table and also figure out what Tweek meant when he said that's not what he meant.

Physically? I'm okay physically too, I think. I shrugged that thought off, he probably didn't mean anything too big by it.

We were happily chatting when the door to the place got swung open and Clyde walked in. He looked around and when he spotted me he walked over and pulled up a chair.

"Hey!" He said with a smile, giving no explanation why he just interrupted us.

"Hi?" Tweek replied moving his chair a bit away from Clyde.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, making sure to sound as annoyed as possible.

"I was calling you and you didn't answer, so I set out to find you!" Clyde said. "Is that yours?" He asked, pointing to my half eaten cupcake.

"Okay. And yes, that is mine so keep your hands away," I told Clyde, moving it further from him.

"Yeesh. Anyways, sorry for crashing your hot date, I just had something to ask you, Craig," Clyde said.

"I have to get home anyways. See you tomorrow, Craig," Tweek waved to me and left.

"That was not a date," I immediately told Clyde when the doors shut behind Tweek.

"When's it going to be?" Clyde asked, adjusting his chair so he was directly in front of me.

"What?" I asked slightly taken aback. Clyde gave me a look that said I should know what he's talking about.

"Come on, man. When're you going to tell Tweek?" Clyde asked, putting his arms on the table and leaning closer.

"Hm let me think.. Honestly, I tell myself i'm going to, but I don't think I ever actually will," I admit.

"Oh come on! You're so in love with him you pretend to like coffee just to see him. You've got to tell him eventually, you can't just go your whole life never saying anything just because you were too chicken," Clyde said, practically throwing himself back in his chair.

"I know." I hate when Clyde's right.

"I can be like your wingman or something. Help you plan it out or something, you two will be together in no time!"

I sighed. "Sure, whatever. But hey i'm just warning you, if any tiny thing goes wrong i'm not doing it anymore. Yes, I am a pussy," I informed Clyde. I grabbed my cupcake and walked out of the coffee shop.

bit of a short chapter, sorry about that. my planning was originally longer but then i wanted to change a few things so this got shorter.

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