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Craig was talking to Clyde. Not surprising at all, but it's what they were talking about that got me intrigued.

Craig likes Tweek and wants to confess?? Yeah, no, I don't think so. Not yet, at least. I hurry off to find my friends that definitely like me and tell them all about it.

"Guys! Guys. Guess what," I announced when I reached them. They all just stared at me waiting for a reply. "Craig is planning on confessing his undying love for Tweek tomorrow! What're we going to about it?"

"Nothing. We will do nothing. What Craig does is none of our business," Kyle tells me with crossed arms.

"I'm thinking about starting a rumor," I continue on. I don't really care what that stupid jew has to say anyways.

"I thought you were a major creek shipper?" Stan mentioned to which Kenny nodded at.

"Obviously! Why do you think I suggested Craig go to Tweak Bros in the first place?"

"Then why are you trying to ruin it?" Kyle said with a very annoyed tone.

"Because, Kyle. It build's a stronger relationship, everybody knows this," I told him. He's so stupid, I swear.

"Oh my god, i'm going to class," Kyle shook his head and walked away. I looked to Stan and Kenny.

"You guys are on board, right?" I asked. Stan and Kenny exchanged glanced before shaking their heads.

"Briiing! Oh look the bell! Gotta go Eric, bye!" Stan said before him and Kenny left. Did he really just make bell noises and leave me?

Whatever, I don't even care. I don't need them to spread rumors.

So at lunch I began walking around telling people this;

"Hey, remember that party Friday night? I heard that Tweek Tweak hooked up with some girl! Tell all your friends!" I told some random girl.

"So? A lot of people hooked up?" She sounded disinterested. I couldn't have this happen. If she didn't care then no one else would and it wouldn't make it's way around to Craig.

"For two reasons. One, I thought he was a homo. Two, apparently the girl had a boyfriend, and after Tweek and her did it, he walked in and ran away crying. I think he moved away and killed himself or something." I'm so good at telling lies.

Now it was surely interesting enough to be told to everybody.

"Oh my god, no way!" The girl walked off and started talking to another group of girls. Perfect. Now I can just step back and watch everything happen.


I can usually tolerate school. After I heard that rumor I just wanted to go home. My plans have now thrown itself out the window and I was left with nothing. I didn't care what happened after. I cared that Tweek was more than likely straight and now I would never-

Wait. I was with Tweek the whole time. I left like two minutes, theres no way any of that could happen. Never mind then, ignore that.

I have now pulled my plans back through the window and everything is all good. That was until..

Just joking. Anyways, school is finally over and now I just have to sit and wait for the bus to get to my stop. I told Clyde about how I was stopping my plan. He started practically sobbing, it was hilarious. I told him I was joking. He hit me.

Now i'm home, in my room, doing approximately nothing.

My door burst open and Tricia stood there with her arms crossed.

"What do you want?" I asked, taking out my headphones.

"Take me to Karen's," She said.

"Nah," I replied simply and looked away.

"Not like you have anything else going on in your sad life. Take me," Tricia didn't move, she waited expectantly at my door.

She was right, I guess. I stood up with a sigh and flipped her off before walking out of my room.

She followed me down the stairs. I took the car keys without asking, they surely wouldn't notice I was gone twenty minutes.


I saw a car, recognizably as Craig's parents' car pull up in front of my house. Definitely Tricia coming to hang out with Karen. I saw Craig get out too. I should probably tell him it was Cartman who started the rumors.

Then again, I didn't really care too. What would I get from going out of my way to tell Craig something? A high five? No thanks. I'd also like to see how this whole thing plays out. Maybe it'll be my interesting thing for the week.

srry again for short chapter. next one will be longer, trust.

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