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When I woke up I found I was no longer in Tweak Bros, or even my own house. I sat up and the first thing I noticed was how comfortable the bed was, and how my hat was no longer on my head.

I could easily tell I was in Tweeks room. Partly because it just entirely looked like his room, and Tweek was also at his desk pressing buttons on his computer.

I looked around for my hat to cover up my horrifying hair and quickly spotted it on the edge of Tweeks desk.

I groggily stood up and walked next to Tweeks chair.

"Morning," Tweek spoke. Before I responded I grabbed my hat and immediately noticed something was different.

"Did you wash this or something?" I asked before shoving it on.

"Yeah, dude. It smelt like you haven't washed it in ten years. Probably still had your lice from fourth grade," Tweek finally looked up from his computer just to laugh at me.

"Probably because I didn't. And you had lice too so shut up!" I defended myself.

"Why do you wear that hat all the time anyways? You know your hair makes you more attractive." Tweek looked back to his computer.

That's actually not true. I hate my hair, it doesn't look good with my face. It is easier to fix my hair than my whole face so after a long while of experimenting with hair cuts, I decided a hat was simple and easy enough.

"Okay, first off, no it doesn't. You're just saying that. Second, no I don't know because it's not true. Literally nobody thinks that," I said. Tweek seemed to find that offensive with the way he snapped his neck to look at me.

He never said anything though he just glared at me and looked back to his computer. I then decided to steal Tweek's clothes because I was too lazy to walk to my house, get clothes, then walk all the way back.

After I had changed and all that fun stuff I went back to Tweek. That's when it clicked in my brain that today is a school day and Tweek should be gone.

"Why aren't you at school?" I asked before resting my chin on the headrest of his chair.

"School would be nearly starting when I got off, and my parents let me stay home whenever I work all night." That answer felt obvious and now I feel slightly dumber.

"What are you doing?" I asked, gesturing to his computer screen.

"Seeing what rock I am," Tweek replied simply. He was indeed doing a buzzfeed quiz.

This is coming out of no where but I think I want to actually kiss Tweek. I have wanted it to be better than this moment but I don't even care at this point. Should I ask him if I can or do I just do it like the movies and go right for it? I have no fucking clue. You know what, i'll just go for it and if Tweek doesn't want to i'll back away and then run away. Good plan, I like it.

"Hey, Tweek?" I asked him. He hummed in response then paused before looking up at me. I didn't give him any time to say anything else and just went right for it.

Our lips connected and holy shit was it ever the best thing that happened to me. Tweek seemed to be fine with it as he quickly kissed back.

It wasn't long before Tweek looked to his computer screen in total shock.

"Pebble? I am not a pebble! Insufficient and annoying? Stop getting- this quiz sucks what the fuck," Tweek yelled. I laughed how Tweek was so worked up over a buzzfeed quiz.

"Move, I want to do this," I moved Tweek's computer so I could quickly do the quiz, only to be disappointed with a Stonehenge.

"Stonehenge? What the fuck even is that? Confusing, Monumental, and mysterious? This quiz is fake that's sounds nothing like me." In case it wasn't obvious, I am not happy with my Stonehenge answer. I see myself as more of a large boulder. Nobody likes large boulders but they are just there anyways because why not.

After that super fun experience Tweek mentioned having to make more cupcakes for the shop. I told him i'd help, and by help I mean pass him ingredients and then steal one after it's finished.

"Pass me the baking soda?" Tweek stretched his hand out so I could give it to him easier. I took a quick look through the pile of ingredients. Why is everything white? This could be cocaine and i'd have no idea.

I handed him something that might've been baking soda. I don't know what it looks like.

"You idiot, that's sugar," Tweek sighed and grabbed the baking soda himself. I thought that one was the hidden cocaine but okay.

The only other things I helped with were taking the cupcakes out of the oven, bedazzling a few, then eating one. I should be a sue chef with how helpful I am. Tweek seemed to think otherwise.

hey guyth. maybe at school today i'll learn how to spell numbers, idk though guess we'll find out

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