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   I highly dislike coffee. I might even go out of my way and say I hate coffee. The taste is bad. It's strangely bitter, even when i put a pound of sugar in it, it's still bitter. There's no possible way coffee can taste good.

'oh but Craig then why do you go to a coffee shop everyday and drink it??'. Because of Tweek Tweak.

His family owns the place. They really know how to make one shitty coffee. I'd say Tweek actually makes it good, but that's a lie his coffee tastes like shit too.

Saying I go there every Friday just because of Tweek may sound a little confusing, so let me clear things up. I like Tweek. I have for five whole months, nearing six. My plan on what i'm going to do about it? Nothing.

I don't even think Tweek remembers I exist when he's not looking at me. There's really no point in telling him just to be rejected.

"Craig, you're staring again." A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. They were right though, I had been staring at Tweek while he stood next to a boy taking items from his locker.

I glared to the person on my left who had spoke. It was Tolkien.

"Wait, who was he staring at? Oh wow was it Butters? You've sunk low. Real low. I mean yeah, gay, super cool! But Butters? No offence to him though!" Clyde chimed in.

"No, stop. Wasn't looking at him," I shook my head. Clyde can get on my nerves sometimes. Does he seriously not know by know?

"Okay, not Butters. Tolkien help me out here," Clyde begged, tugging on Tolkiens arm.

"Tweek," Tolkien sighed out. Clyde gasped extremely loud. I was surprised everyone didn't start looking at us.

"Oh. My. God. You know what. I see it," Clyde nodded, using his pointer finger to tap his chin. "Yup, yup, one hundred percent."

"Hold on, Clyde you actually didn't know Craig liked him?" Tolkien asked, looking over at him with furrowed brows.

"No..? How long have you known?" Clyde dropped his hand along with his smile.

"I've liked him five months, I thought you knew. But then again if you did I guess i'd be hearing a lot more about it," I shrugged. I really just thought Clyde wasn't making a big deal about it. That should've been a sign he didn't know.

"What?! I need to ask you more questions about your love life, jesus. I just thought you would be sad and lonely until you died," Clyde said while fighting back a laugh.

I had many jokes I could make about Clyde being equally sad and lonely, but he's currently dating Bebe so that would be a meaningless attempt at insulting him.

Before I could respond, the bell rung and I could finally go to my last class and get this stupid day over with. We all ran to our last class which we had together. The teacher thankfully didn't mention us being a whole whopping minute late.

I didn't pay attention in class one bit, but I did pay attention to the bell ringing telling the students we can finally go home. Before the teacher could even think about saying the bell doesn't dismiss you, I was already out of the class.

I sat next to Clyde on the bus since Tolkien was next to Nichole. He unsurprisingly kept bombarding me with question.

"Is this like a personality or looks type thing?" Clyde asked.

"Both," I replied, sounding very clearly annoyed. Clyde nodded along and I guess that brought him to what he said next.

"I was kind of hoping it wasn't just looks. I mean take yourself for example. You aren't too shabby looking. But by god your personality is sure something. Saying just Personality is risky too, like okay I get that, but me personally I wouldn't want to date a really ugly person. So yeah I guess both is a good choice!" Clyde ranted.

"Oh my god, Clyde. Do you ever stop talking?" I groaned, stuffing my head in my backpack.

"On the occasion," Clyde shrugged. "I have one more question though."

"No!" I said into my bag. I heard Clyde laugh a little but he never asked his question. I'm pretty sure he only said that to annoy me anyways.

The bus came to a stop and me, Clyde, Tolkien, and a few other people I don't know sat up and walked off.

When I got home I made sure to greet my family by flipping them off. They returned the gesture.

I reached my room and remembered how I had no homework and no other plans. I debated going to Tweak Bros but I only ever went there Fridays. Today was Thursday. Would it be weird if I showed up today?

I'm overthinking it way too much. It's not weird, Tweek probably doesn't even remember I go there. Or just myself in general.

Tricia wasn't bugging me about taking her somewhere, and I had no homework or something else to focus on. I figured I might as well go and use my time staring at Tweek while drinking the gross ass coffee.

I walked down the stairs and saw my mom was in the kitchen, presumably making dinner.

"Oh, Craig, don't leave, i'm almost finished with dinner," My mom called to me as she turned around.

"I'm not hungry right now," I told her while tugging on my converse.

"You will be soon, can't you wait twenty minutes?" She sighed.

"Nope, I'll eat when I'm back. Won't be long!" I said as I walked out my house before my mom could pester me any more.

It took a bit less than ten minutes to walk to Tweak Bros. It wasn't as busy as Fridays but still had people.

I walked up to the counter and stood behind the guy who seemed to be just finished his order.

"Okay.. and can I have- have a name?" I heard Tweek ask him.

"Daniel." What a lame name. Tweek said a small okay and quickly made his drink. He called out a name that was not Daniel. Tweek made another one and then called out Daniel.

Tweek walked back over to the counter where I was standing and he asked me what I wanted.

"Just a black coffee," I told him. I know, that's like the worst drink, but it's the easiest thing to say and everything else just tastes equally gross. Maybe one day i'll go out of my way and order an iced Ristretto with like 25 pumps vanilla, exactly 14° and whipped cream with 17 sprinkles or something like that.

Tweek wrote something on a cup. Wait, isn't he supposed to ask me my name or something?

"Oh, my name's Craig," I told him uncertainly while handing him the money needed. Tweek looked up from the cup and gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, I know y-your name," Tweek said, keeping his smile. He turned around and started working on my coffee.

I shuffled to the side and stared at the floor. He knows my name? It really shouldn't be shocking, I felt kind of stupid. I mean i'm in here every week and we go to the same school. I also had convinced myself he forgot all about me.


I looked up from the ground to see Tweek placed my drink on the counter. I took it and walked to my usual table.

As weird as it felt just constantly staring at Tweek, I did it anyways. What else am I supposed to do? Actually talk to him? Now that's a crazy idea.

I have liked him for five months. That's a lot of seconds. Even if I talked to him, what would I say?

Before I could figure that out I grabbed my coffee, stole one last glance at Tweek, and walked out. Maybe by tomorrow i'd think of something to say to him.

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