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   I am once again dealing with the bullshit Friday brings. The only interesting thing that happened this week was Tweek bumped into me. He must've apologized twenty times before running off.

That was actually the only interaction i've had with him since Monday. I've only seen him in class and I haven't seen him on the bus either since he sits all the way at the front.

Moving back to present time, I decided to miss the bus and stop by Tweak Bros in the morning, considering I probably wouldn't get to go after school because of the party and mainly Clyde.

I push open the doors and noticed it was Tweeks dad behind the counter. I made uncomfortable eye contact with him before walking back out into the streets.

No point going there if Tweeks not there. I don't know what I expected, it's morning before school, obviously Tweek wouldn't be there.

I got to school the same time my bus pulled up. I left fifteen minutes earlier so no surprise the bus would be just arriving. Out came Clyde who was followed by Tolkien. I should've tried blending into the crowd better because the second Clyde spotted me he sprinted towards me. If i hadn't known him, I would've thought he was going to kill me.

"My god, did you walk? Hey, party tonight too, you better show," Clyde reminded me.

"Yeah, I know," I groaned. I pointed out to a nonexistent Bebe running towards him and ran away because the last thing I want to deal with this morning was Clyde.


I'm not even going to lie, parties suck absolute ass. Like, yes, let's go somewhere to get unbelievably drunk and wake up wishing you never did literally anything the night before. My favourite.

"Craig are you coming inside or what?" Tolkien asked me. It was eight now and the party was already started.

"Nah," I said, kicking a rock to avoid feeling uncomfortable with how I was standing.

"You know full well Clyde will burn something of yours if you don't," Tolkien sighed. I nodded. It was true, last time I said i'd do something and never did he sent me a video of him burning my hat while I was sleeping.

I reluctantly followed Tolkien inside to see Clyde holding a drink and waving to people. He spotted us and made his way over.

"Hey!" He said. Tolkien and Clyde talked a bit before Bebe and Nichole showed up. That's just great. This party sucks so bad already. I want to go home. Am I just jealous because nobody actually likes me?? Yes. One hundred and fifty percent. Not even going to deny it.

I was busy thinking about my tragic life when Clyde started shaking my shoulder and proceeded to say in the most falsely shocked voice i've ever heard; "Oh my god. Tweek is here, no very way!"

I wanted to kill myself. Clyde pointed to the door where Tweek walked in and waved him over. You've got to be kidding me. Is Clyde trying to ruin my life?

"Tweek! You didn't strike me as a party person?" Clydes voice returned back to normal.

"What do you mean? You forced me here." Tweek said, his usual look of panic seemed more faded.

"Um. No I didn't, I would never," Clyde said in defence of himself. At this point Tolkien and Nichole already walked away. I don't blame them, I wanted to leave too.

"You forced me here too," I finally spoke.

"Cool," Clyde shrugged then grabbed Bebe's arm and pulled her away.

I was about to say something to Tweek but then I remembered I had no clue what to say. "I'm going to go find a drink or something."

Tweek nodded and I walked away. At least I  said something. The counters in the kitchen were piled with alcohol and two bowls of chips.

I got a cup of expired orange juice and a bowl of cheese doritos because they looked less laced with coke. I walked back into the crowd of sweaty teenagers awkwardly dancing and trying to hook up with someone they didn't even know existed yesterday.

I spotted Tweek sitting alone on a small couch. I walked up to him and sat down. He looked over at me and that's when I realized something was wrong. He wasn't shaking or trembling or moving at all.

"You alright?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to show my confusion.

He nodded, "Yeah. Just haven't had coffee all day so I feel like i'm going insane."

"That's actually why I asked, I mean you're not shaking at all," I pointed out. I honestly had no clue if I was being rude or not.

"Oh, okay then," He said after a moment's pause. It became silent between us again and I had a feeling it wasn't just me who felt it wad uncomfortable.

"Chip?" I asked, pushing my bowl in his direction.

"No thanks, I watched someone spill the whole bowl, scoop it back up and walk away," Tweek shook his head.

"Nevermind then," I tossed the bowl to the side. It wasn't my house so I didn't really care.

"I don't think I really like parties," Tweek said.

"Oh, yeah. I don't get why people like it so much. Free alcohol, I guess? I'm not much of a drinker though." I forgot how much I could talk.

"Me too. I'm only here because of Clyde and I don't even know where he is. I don't know where anyone I know is, actually." Tweek just said nearly the same amount I did so now I don't feel weird.

"You want to leave or something? Clyde won't notice for another half hour, his brain is slow," I boldly suggested.

"I do want to leave," Tweek nodded. We both sat up and walked towards the front door. Thankfully, nobody was around to drag us back inside.

We didn't end up going anywhere in particular, we mostly walked around and talked, which I was glad about. He was so insanely easy to talk to. I should've done this earlier.

I'm definitely in love with Tweek.

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