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When I get to Tweek's house I slow down my run and open his already unlocked front door. I hopped up his stairs and walked to his room while trying to catch my breath. I walked in and Tweek immediately stood up.

"Craig, I just need to explain," Tweek said. I nodded so he continued. "Listen at Stark's pond I was just so shocked when you said you liked me-"

At that point my vision started to blur again. I thought it'd pass like all the other times.

"- I just didn't know what else to do! I really wish I.. do.." Tweek's voice started to fade out, along with his face.

The blurriness and dizziness wasn't passing. In fact, it was getting worse. My vision started to pixelate into darkness.

Did I run too much? No, surely not. I used to be able to run twenty minutes and just be out of breath. Never get so dizzy I felt like passing out. The run was only ten minutes.

I could tell Tweek's mouth was moving but nothing came out. All I heard was a high pitched ringing filling both my ears.

I looked down at my hands to see they were weren't there anymore. I looked back at Tweek. Everything was gone, it was pitch black. I felt cold.

I subconsciously reached my hand out and I felt it graze the wall. Then it was dragged down, along with my whole body.

I didn't exactly pass out, I was still awake, I just couldn't see or hear anything. I barely felt the wall.

The next time I opened my eyes I was leaned up against Tweek's bedroom wall and he was sitting in front of me.

"Craig? Are you okay? I was just talking and you started looking pale, then you like tried grabbing the wall and fell down," Tweek told me, holding out a glass of water.

I shrugged and took the glass. I drank the whole thing. This has never happened before so I really have no clue what it's from.

"Did you run here? how far and how long?" Tweek asked me.

"Uh, yeah, from Tolkiens house. Like ten minutes. But that's nothing. If I ran ten minutes last month I would've been just fine," I told him.

"Alright, have you been eating well? Too much, too little, too healthy or unhealthy?"

I paused at that for a small moment. That's probably why. "Oh, yeah probably not. Too little, I think."

"Did you eat today?" Tweek sure had a lot of questions.

"Uh, no," I said, scratching my arm. I recalled Tolkien asking me if I wanted anything for lunch and I said no because I wasn't hungry. That was the truth, I really wasn't hungry at all.

Tweek then asked me when the last time I did eat and I had to genuinely think about that one because I didn't really know. Then I realized.

"Last Sunday, when we were hanging out I ate that cupcake," I told him. I didn't even notice it was that long ago.

"Craig! That was like a whole week ago! When did you have like a proper meal?" Tweek started freaking out. Now that one I didn't remember.

"I don't know, I think it was last Wednesday," I said. Tweek looked even more freaked out now. Not in a way he thinks i'm crazy, I think. More in a way he's.. worried?

"What the hell, man, are you insane?! That's more than a week ago, you could've died! What were you even thinking, not eating all that time?" Tweek said loudly.

I shrugged. I really don't know why. It's not like it was on purpose. I just wasn't feeling hungry and I forgot to eat. No biggie.

Tweek took my hand and pulled me up. While still holding onto my hand, he dragged me out of his room. I looked at our hands. No, that's wrong. I pulled my hand away and Tweek looked back at me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. I just now processed that I was standing up and we were walking.

"I'm taking you to eat, come on," Tweek said, taking my hand again and walking out of his house. "We do have to walk since my parents are gone at work. If you need to take a moment to sit down just tell me and we can take a break, okay?"

He's being very nice. I wonder what would've happened if Tweek wasn't there when I passed  out. Would I have even discovered the cause? Probably not, i'm too focused on everything and everyone else to notice what's happening with me. I would probably pass out again or something.

A while later we are in front of someones house I don't recognize. I give Tweek a confused look, hoping he'd answer the question in my mind.

"This is my friends house, he's a real good cook. I'd just take you out somewhere but I don't want you eating something unhealthy right now," Tweek told me before knocking on the door.

A nice looking man opened the door, i'd say he looks around mid-thirties. "Hello there, Tweek! I got your message and i've already started. This the friend you were talking about?" He said with a welcoming smile then pointed at me.

"Yeah. Thanks for doing this," Tweek said and walked inside. I followed behind him.

I took notice of how the man said 'friend you were talking about'. Did Tweek still think of me as a friend? Or did he just say that since it was easier. Notice how that's not a question.

Me and Tweek sat down at his table and while we waiting half an hour for the food, Tweek starting telling me a bunch of stuff. I personally think it was a bit unnecessary.

"You should be eating the lunches at school, and if your family has dinner together everyday, eat with them too. Also weekends, make yourself something to eat. If you don't want to just come over to my house." That sure was a lot to remember.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll do all those," I said just to get Tweek off my back. What I really wanted to do was leave and ask Tweek what he was telling me earlier.

But, the food came out so not right now I guess. I had to tell Tweek that he should eat too because I felt awkward, but after that we were both finished. We said a goodbye and Tweek gave him some money after a lot of convincing. I waited outside, sitting on his stairs.

"Alright, let's go. You feel better now?" Tweek said when he walked outside. I stood up and shrugged.

"I guess so. What were you telling me back at your house?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Not right now. Do you want to come back to my house?" Tweek just changed the subject just as fast as I did.

"Sure. Thanks, Tweek. Did you want me to pay you back?" I said.

"No, it's no problem at all. I'm just happy your okay," Tweek said.

I took a moments pause before I replied, "It's not like I was doing it on purpose. I was just never hungry and I really did forget."

"Okay, I believe you." I looked at Tweek who was staring forward. I'm hoping we're friends. I don't even care he doesn't like me back, i'm fine with just friends, even if I still am in love with him.

When we get to Tweeks house the first thing he asks is if I want to hear what he was telling me earlier. I obviously said yes.

"Okay, I don't really know what you heard so i'll just start from the beginning. At Starks Pond I was just so shocked when you said you liked me, I just didn't know what else to do! I really wish I was more prepared for that or something because I- I do like you Craig. A lot, but I was scared, so I ran, and i'm really sorry."

I took a moment to just process everything. Tweek likes me, and I like him. Cool.

"Okay. Well uh, now what?" I asked. I was currently sitting on the edge of his bed next to Tweek.

"Do you want to stay the night or something," Tweek suggested.

"Sure, i'm just gonna tell my parents I won't be coming back today," I said and pulled out my phone to just text my dad. I don't like them enough to call.

Okay, now not only do we like each other, i'm also sleeping over. Double cool.

just bc i felt like it 😛 i feel like i should say smth else but idk so bye

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