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ZIGGY WAS RUNNING. She felt like she did that too much these days; she really never was a runner. It didn't help that the halls of the castle were long and winding, as she raced to the top of the stairs.

Her people had been at war for years against the Kree, and Ronan, one of their maniacal leaders, took it upon himself to seek revenge for her parents refusing to ally with the Kree in the alliance with Thanos, as they had had instead allied with the Xandarians.

Ronan had infiltrated the security of the planet Dermetris, setting on fire its beautiful and green scenery and century old buildings. Everything was in flames, and tears already threatened to spill as Ziggy ran.

Ziggy held up the hem of her skirt, kicking off her heels to gain more speed. The last two flights of stairs were difficult, she could almost see stars in her eyes as her body threatened to pass out.

Damn castle architecture.

At the top of the stairs, led to the opened tower. Ziggy could see her parents kneeling, heads down. Ronan stood in front of them, his hammer held in front of them. He was giving some speech; she couldn't hear it, but she could see his mouth moving.

He stopped in front of her father, his head held high but gazing down upon them. Then, Ronan slammed down his hammer, and a rush of waves flew forward, knocking the wind into her father. He drops to the floor, crumpling instantly upon impact.

Her mother screams, turning to her father, shaking him while sobbing. Ronan paces in front of them, and Ziggy clasps a hand to her mouth to cover the horror and any possibility of making a hint of noise.

Ronan turned, facing her mother now. Her eyes widening in horror, Ziggy realized what was about to happen. She scrambled to her feet, grabbing the floor in front of her as she scrambled to run to her mother's saving.

By then, it was too late as Ziggy was halfway across the floor. She was somehow out of Ronan's view point when he struck her mother.

Her mother crumpled, falling to the floor and collapsing on top of her father. Ziggy screamed, tears streaming down her face.

Ronan saw the girl then; stalking toward her like prey.

"Ziggy Hendrix," Ronan spoke, circling her parents' bodies.

"You," She snarled, her hands balled into fists as she glared up at him. "You murdered my parents. They didn't do anything wrong!"

"Anything wrong?" Ronan scoffs. "They are tyrants, cruel leaders who refuse to give their people what they deserve, and I am here to do it for them."

"No, you can't-!" Ziggy cried, running towards him. Ronan held his staff out towards her, but Ziggy thrust her palms forward, and a purple beam erupted from her hands. It exploded, nearly knocking Ronan to the floor. She braced herself, standing in a fighting pose as the power swarmed her being.

Ronan pushed against her, and Ziggy stumbled as she tried to keep her balance. With the struggle against running from the town square to the castle just moments before, Ziggy's power weakened, the electric purple waves flickering as she struggled to keep conscious.

Ronan struck again, and this time, Ziggy couldn't win. She collapsed, falling alongside her parents. The orb of her powers swept the planet, striking down everything in its path.

She didn't see much before her world went black, except for Ronan's boot stepping over her unconscious body, dragging his hammer behind him.

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