26. creep

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It had been another few months and Ziggy was slowly working over the break up. The first few weeks she avoided Peter completely, and Rocket had pulled through with pairing her with someone else on missions. Now, Ziggy usually works with Mantis or Nebula. She's only spoke a handful of sentences to Peter, still not wanting to talk to him.

Peter's conditions only worsened, and it made Ziggy angrier with everything now. She refused to do stuff to help him, making Nebula do it. Mantis has tried talking to him but he shot her down too; Ziggy listed it as a lost cause now.

She felt like it changed her; that she wasn't her usual bubbly self anymore. She felt hardened, the usual smile donning her face now twisted into a frown. She was more reserved, and now, Ziggy often wondered if she was too dependent on him like he had said.

Most of Knowhere knew Ziggy and Peter to have been dating; they were when they founded it as the base of the Guardians. Whenever she went anywhere now, she only heard whispers of what people rumored to have happened. Now, it made Ziggy usually go about with her headphones in. She only ever had her headphones out if a good song was playing over the city's speakers or if it was a mission.

Ziggy watched as Nebula and Groot worked together to hang up their logo on the town square of Knowhere, sitting on the steps nearby. Mantis danced to the song playing — Creep by Radiohead — while trying to get Drax to join her. Rocket sat next to Ziggy, murmuring the lyrics to the song. He stood now, stalking off toward the lobby, where Ziggy could only imagine Peter sulked inside.

"I wanna perfect body, I want a perfect soul." Ziggy murmured along the lyrics, watching Kraglin play tug of war with Cosmo. "I want you to notice, when I'm not around."

As the lyric plays, she can't help as her gaze lingers off toward the bar, a frown playing her face. "So fuckin' special, I wish I was special."

Nebula stood and walked over to check on Rocket, a frown on her face as Peter passed out again. She glanced at Ziggy, who shook her head. She stood, making her way over to them. "Again?"

"I got him." Nebula mutters, walking in and scooping Peter up. Leaning against the window, Ziggy watched with folded arms as Nebula exited the building. Groot gasped upon seeing Peter, running over and checking on him, touching his face.

Drax glanced at Peter and then Ziggy, frowning. "It happened again?"

He and Mantis followed, then so did Kraglin and Cosmo. They followed each other off to Peter's room to make sure he was okay, and everyone waited around outside. Ziggy followed Nebula, standing outside his room as she waited for Nebula.

Nebula eventually left Peter's room, sighing. She looked at Ziggy before they both walked off.

"What are you gonna do about Quill?" Rocket asked, dangling from the ceiling as he glanced at the girls.

"Me? Why not you? Or Ziggy?" Nebula scoffs.

"Ziggy's already tried and look how that turned out. And she knows I got emotionalistical issues, so what am I gonna do?" Rocket questions.

"Why are you on the ceiling?" Nebula asks.

"I wanted to see if these new gravity boots worked on a slope." Rocket explained.

They rounded the corner to Kraglin practicing the arrow, stabbing Nebula in the chest.

"Sorry." Kraglin paled, and Nebula ripped it out of her chest before handing it back to him.

"Bozhe moi Kraglin. You must know you'll never learn." Cosmo shook her head.

"You think you can do better?" Kraglin scowled at her.

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