17. brain damage

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Ziggy remained in the lobby as they traveled to Knowhere, playing with her powers out of boredom. She activated the purple beams, shaping them into orbs and tossing them in her palms.

"Ziggy?" Gamora called, entering the room. Ziggy's beams fell apart as she looked up at her best friend, a smile appearing on her face.

"Gamora. Hey."

Ziggy frowned as it was clear Gamora was anxious, the way she wrung her hands together and glanced around cautiously. "Can I ask a favor of you?"

"Sure, anything." Ziggy nodded.

"If things go wrong, and Thanos gets me, please... I want you to promise me you'll kill me." Gamora spoke, her voice coming out a whisper at the end.

Ziggy's face fell. "What?"

Gamora looked away. "I know something he doesn't. And if he finds out, the entire universe could be at risk."

"What is it?" Ziggy asked her, curious to know what Gamora knew.

"If I tell you, you're in danger too."

"Maybe I could help. I - I dunno what it is, but we could help you." Ziggy pleaded. She couldn't imagine killing her best friend, even if Gamora pleaded with her to. All the memories of them, saving the galaxy together, the shared looks when the others say something stupid, the secrets swapped when it was far into the night and neither could sleep.

"Ziggy. Please. Swear to me, on your parents. Your planet." Gamora told her. Ziggy faltered, knowing she was fully serious. It was definitely something game altering clearly, but Ziggy didn't know what.

"Okay." She eventually agreed. Ziggy stood, and feeling it was necessary in the moment, she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. Gamora hugged her back, smoothing down Ziggy's frizzed hair. They heard crunching, and Ziggy pulled away, glancing to the side to see Drax munching on zarg nuts watching them.

She made a face. "How long have you been standing there?"

"An hour." He spoke.

Gamora sighed. "An hour?"

"I have mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I become invisible to the eye. Watch." Drax said, and they stood there, staring at him. He stood still, slowly lifting a zarg nut to his mouth.

"You're not still - you're literally moving." Ziggy argued.

"But my movement... was so slow... that it's imperceptible."

Gamora pursed her lips and shook her head. "No."

"I'm sure I'm invisible." Drax said.

"I can clearly see you." Ziggy huffed in annoyance.

Mantis walked in, smiling as she saw the group. "Hi Drax."

"Damn it." He grumbled, relaxing and walking off. Ziggy gave Gamora a look, who rolled her eyes, and both girls snickered. Ziggy abandoned the group then, wandering off to find Peter. He was in the cockpit, checking the course set to Knowhere.

"Pete?" Ziggy announced, approaching from behind and hoping not to startle him.

He glanced over his shoulder. "Oh, hey Z."

"I have a bad feeling about this." She murmurs anxiously. "I was talking to Gamora just now and... she said she knows something Thanos doesn't."

Peter glanced at her curiously. "What is it?"

"Well she won't tell me. And she said if Thanos captures her... that she wants me to kill her." Ziggy worried aloud.

Peter's eyes widened. "Really? Did you agree?"

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