13. hammer to fall

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Ziggy was rudely shaken awake, groggily turning her head into the darkness. "Pete?" She murmurs, slowly opening her eyes. They had spent the night together, falling into the rhythm of their love and falling asleep together.

"No, it's me, Mantis. Please, I need to talk to you." Mantis spoke frantically, shaking Ziggy. Ziggy sat slowly, propping herself up on her elbow and glancing around. Drax stood behind Mantis, his arms crossed. Glancing over her shoulder, Ziggy frowns as she notices the empty spot in her bed next to her where Peter had been just a few hours ago. The bed sheets were rumpled in the clear shape of his body. She turns back to Mantis.

"What's going on?" Ziggy sat up, sitting on the bed as she looked at the duo.

Mantis wrung her hands together anxiously before glancing between Drax, then back at Ziggy. "We're in danger. I should have told you all sooner, I am so sorry."

"What?" Ziggy asked, her concern growing the longer Mantis drew out the truth.

"Ego's gotten what he's wanted. He... he's worked his way with Peter."

Ziggy frowned. "I... okay. What do we need to do?"

Exiting Ziggy's room together, the trio were about to head toward where Mantis could guess Ego and Peter were. Ziggy's worry grew, especially with their recently pieced-together relationship. If she had just gotten Peter, she didn't want to lose him.

Suddenly, Gamora came stomping into the room, headed toward the group. Nebula followed behind, and Ziggy was confused by her appearance. Hadn't she been with Rocket and Groot? Where were they?

Gamora yelled and charged, grabbing Mantis by the throat and slamming her against the wall. Ziggy's eyes widened, stepping forward. "Gamora!"

"Who are you, people?!" She demanded, practically snarling at Mantis. "What is this place!"

"You are scared," Mantis says, and Gamora dropped her, stumbling backward.

"The bodies in the caverns... who are they?"

"What? Bodies? Caverns?" Ziggy questions, glancing between the group. She looks toward Nebula. "Where have you guys been?"

"We need to find Peter now and get off this damn planet," Gamora told them.

"Ego will have won him to his side by now." Mantis worried.

"Then we just go," Nebula said.

"No. He's our friend."

"All any of you do is yell at each other, you are not friends." Nebula scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"You're right, we're family," Drax said. "We leave no one behind."

"I can get Peter. I don't know where he is... but if we have to convince him, I can." Ziggy adds. They stood around anxiously, until Gamora's transmitter beeped, announcing that Rocket was signaling them.

"Keep the transmitter nearby so I can find you," Rocket told her, his voice staticky. "We're in an old piece of construction equipment Yondu once used to use to slice open the bank of A'askavaria."

"Ego's unhinged," Gamora told him.

"I know, get ready."

"When are we leaving?" Ziggy asked.

"Now," Gamora told them, and she, Ziggy, Mantis, Nebula, and Drax left their chambers, making their way toward Ego's palace. The walk wasn't far, and when they reached the building, Drax reared back, kicking the door open and shattering it.

Ziggy watched as Ego was glowing blue, and turned at the sound of the door shattering. Above, a ship approached the window at high speed, and Ziggy noticed Yondu inside. He crashed into Ego, flattening him. Looking toward the center of the room, Ziggy watched as Peter had been pierced by a blue glowing tentacle, before being dropped as Ego had been crushed.

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