31. free bird

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Ziggy could feel this was the end, as the group slowly repaired Knowhere. Gamora's Ravangers came to pick her up, and Ziggy, Peter, and Nebula came to her farewell. Ziggy and Peter stopped in front of Gamora, glancing at the woman who was once so close with them.

"I'm still not who you want me to be." She said, turning to them.

"We're cool with it now." Peter told her.

"I bet we were a good group." Gamora smiles at the two, patting them on the shoulder as she walked past, boarding the Ravangers ship. She nodded at Nebula, who grunted softly at her as she walked past. The Ravangers took off, leading the trio behind.

Peter glanced at the girls. "I... need to talk to everyone. But first I want to talk to Ziggy."

"I'll go get everyone else." Nebula says, stepping away to leave them be.

Ziggy turned to Peter, eyes looking at him expectantly.

"Listen... the other day, when we were floating in space, I... meant it. When I said I loved you. I know I've been a downright ass lately and you shouldn't feel free to accept my apology at all, but I am truly sorry for how I treated you. I'd want to take the chance and try to repair our relationship if you want to. If not, that's totally okay with me." Peter spoke rapidly, as if he was scared Ziggy would reject him.

But Ziggy was always a fool who fell in love too easily, and she loved Peter no matter what, she couldn't just drop him after so long. They had been through everything that no mere mortal could comprehend being through with a significant other.

"I could never leave you like that... I love you too." Ziggy smiled softly at him, stepping forward and leaving a kiss on his cheek. Peter smiled at her, and Ziggy stepped back.

"This also kind of relates to the other thing I was gonna mention to the others in a bit but I want to tell you — I'm leaving."


"The Guardians. I thought about what Mantis told me, and my family on Earth and I think I should go back and spend some time with my Grandpa if he's still around." Peter told her.

"What about us?" Ziggy asked, furrowing her brows together.

"Well yeah... this is what I was hoping would go with our conversation, I wanted to ask if — you'd want to go with me?"

"To Earth? Like live there?" She asked and he nodded. "What about the others?"

"I don't know what their plan is now, but I know this is where I need to go. I'd love for you to come with, but I'd understand if you want to stay here." Peter told her.

Ziggy shook her head. "No, I want to go with you. How else can we work on our relationship if one of us is in space?"

"Right, I'm glad you're coming with."

"Like I said, I could never leave you behind."

The Guardians gathered where their meetings usually were held, as Peter took a deep breath. Ziggy gave him a smile of encouragement before he told the others what he told her, that he was planning on leaving the team.

"You're leaving?" Rocket repeats, blinking at him.

"My mother died when I was eight years old, and I have been running ever since. I'm gonna need to take some time. And Ziggy's coming with me." Peter nods to the group.


"I'm giving him the chance to fix our relationship." Ziggy told them.

"I am leaving as well." Mantis spoke up. "I do love you all, but my whole life I did whatever Ego wanted, and then the Guardians. I need to discover what I want."

"I'll come with." Drax told her.

"No! That's the whole point." Mantis argued.

"I can protect you." He offers.

"I don't need protection! I can protect myself."

"I need you here." Nebula interrupts. "We're building a new society, I need all the support I can get for those children out there. You weren't born to be a destroyer, but to be a Dad."

"So you're gonna lead the Guardians?" Rocket asked her.

"No, I'm leading the city. Making it a home I never had."

"So that's it?" Rocket asked between tears welling in his eyes. "We're over?"

"No, the Galaxy still needs its Guardians. And you will make a better leader than I ever was." Peter told him. "Captain."

Rocket glanced at the group as everyone did their salute to him, and Ziggy grinned widely at him.

"I am Groot." Groot says, glancing among everyone.

"We love you too." Ziggy smiles at him.

"Are you ready to go?" Peter asks, kicking the Bowie into gear.

"As I'll ever be." Ziggy hums, smiling warmly at him as she pulls the duffle bag strap over her shoulder. She was already missing her friends, the anxiety tugging in her chest. Peter had gifted the Zune to Rocket as their goodbye, but they still had music drifting through their speakers, "Cosmic Dancer" playing.

Ziggy watched the stars as they flew toward Terra, taking in her final views of the big beautiful space that she's spent her entire life in. Peter caught her emotions, reaching toward her and taking her hand, and Ziggy blinked back the few tears threatening to spill.

She was sad, yes, but she was happy to have the new beginnings and to leave behind their life of fighting, she was ready for a break.

Stepping out of the Bowie once they landed, Ziggy felt the warmth of Terra on her face, and she stood letting the breeze flow through her hair. She glanced at Peter, nodding as he led them through the neighborhood where his grandpa lived, and he took her hand as they walked.

"Are you nervous?" She asks, shifting her gaze to glance at him.

Peter hesitated, before shaking his head. "No, I don't think so."

Ziggy smiled. "Good. I'm sure he misses you a lot. I don't think he'd be mad."

"No. I hope he likes you though."

"I'm sure he will. My parents liked you." Ziggy told him. Peter blinked when he realized he's never met Ziggy's parents — they were dead when she met him, and he didn't have the moment to ask her when they stopped at his grandpa's doorstep.

Ziggy took a step back as Peter held his breath when he knocked. A woman opened the door, staring expectantly at him. Peter backtracked, glancing at Ziggy anxiously. "Uh — I think I might be at the wrong house, um; is this Jason Quill's house?"

"Yes it is." The woman spoke warmly. "Come in."

They walked through the house, where the woman led them to the backyard, Ziggy glanced at the wall of pictures as they passed, she spotted one of a little Peter standing next to his mother (whom she recognized from Ego's statues of her) and his grandfather. The woman opened the door to the back porch where Peter's grandfather sat at the patio table, reading the newspaper.

"Pete?" His grandpa gasped, dropping his newspaper and standing quickly. He rushed to his grandson, wrapping Peter in a tight hug as he laughed between tears.

"Hi, Grandpa." He murmured happily.

Ziggy smiles proudly, glancing at the woman next to her. "Hi, I'm Ziggy."

"Ziggy? It's nice to meet you — I'm Jason's wife, Cynthia." She smiled at her.

"Pleasure to meet you." Ziggy nods at her.

"Oh, grandpa, this is my... girlfriend, Ziggy." Peter reaches for Ziggy, and she took his hand, stepping forward.

"Hi." Ziggy smiles at him, waving a hand at him.

"Hello, Ziggy." Jason smiled at her, and she glanced happily at her family surrounding her.

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