02. ziggy stardust

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Ziggy has been in prison for a week. She's fallen into a routine. Wake up at the crack of dawn, eat breakfast. Ignore the taunts of other inmates, the way they cackle at her for being a princess, or catcall her from across the mess hall. Then, she goes to the showers or the recreational room. Afterward, lunch. Ziggy stays in her room from lunch to dinner. Then back to her room, to sleep immediately after dinner to try and escape the nightmare she currently lived in.

Sure, Ziggy was probably being overdramatic. She was homesick though, and knew she could never go back. The prison was so jarringly different from her palace life, and the other inmates would mock her frequently for it.

"Ooh, the princess doesn't have her dish to dip her hands in before a meal,"

"Boo hoo, she has to make her bed without a maid! How tragic."

"Cryin' over there? Get real, we didn't have our lives handed out on a silver platter."

"Poor mummy and daddy, six feet under."

Ziggy had launched herself across the table at that guy and bit him for it. He had screamed bloody murder, silencing the entire hall as Ziggy was dragged off by the guards before her power beams could charge.

After that one, they started to leave Ziggy alone. She wasn't tested yet enough for her powers to come out, although she felt she was tested every day.

It only became a game changer to her time in the prison when she heard whispers that Gamora had been transported to their prison. Ziggy kept an eye out for the other woman; Gamora too was a highly dangerous criminal. She was the daughter of the titan Thanos and had probably murdered half of the inmates' families. Recently, it's been common knowledge that Gamora and her sister Nebula have been working with Ronan, leaving Ziggy to question if either of them had known what had happened to her home.

She sat at a table in the back of the mess hall, tugging at the corners of her sleeve. She bounced her foot, keeping her head low as she eyed the room. Along with Gamora, Ziggy had heard that there were other newcomers along with her. She couldn't decide if the strangest of the group was the talking tree or the talking raccoon.

Ziggy looked up as she heard shouts from around the room, other inmates yelling angrily. Looking towards the entrance of the room, she could see Gamora from across the room, sticking out in the crowd with her green skin and purple hair. She saw her companions too, the tree, raccoon, and a human. Or Ziggy figured he was human, but sometimes you didn't know.

Ducking her head, Ziggy avoided objects that were being thrown toward Gamora. It was clear Gamora wasn't going to last here, she had pissed off too many inmates here with her crimes orchestrated via Thanos. While they couldn't get their hands on Thanos, Gamora was the next best thing and something that had a higher possibility of getting killed.

A blue guy marches up to the crew, threatening the man in front of him. He mockingly caressed his face, until the tree stuck its fingers up his nose, lifting him off the ground. He screamed in pain, kicking his feet slightly. The crowd stepped back in shock.

The raccoon circles the crowd, glaring up at the people despite being half their size. "Let's make something clear - this one here is our booty!" He points at the man, who stood there awkwardly. "You wanna get to him, you go through us! Or, more accurately, we go through you!"

Ziggy grimaced as they heard his bones crunch, and the tree dropped him. The man curled into a ball as he sobbed, clutching his nose. Stepping over him, the tree and raccoon walk off, leaving the human behind.

"I'm with them," He announces, nodding at the raccoon, before quickly following the duo.

Ziggy hummed, watching the group walk away. They'd certainly be an interesting bunch to add to the mix when it seemed like the raccoon didn't mess around. She swung her leg over the bench, standing up and brushing her jumpsuit off. She followed behind the group, trailing a bit behind them as she made her way to her cell.

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