08. crimson & clover

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It had been a few months since the Guardians had defeated Ronan and took to the skies to help the galaxy out. Ziggy practiced her powers in her free time; which wasn't often due to how they had consistent missions. She'd start small; imagining her powers as a small ball inside her, and picturing it growing. If she were lucky, when she opened her eyes, there'd be an electric ball of purple light hovering in her hands.

She of course spent plenty of time with each member of the Guardians. Ziggy mainly hung around with Gamora, Groot, and Peter. Ziggy loved Groot, he had grown enough from his pot to be cut out, and he was so cute in his baby form. Groot wanted to make friendship bracelets with her, so they twinned now wearing green and purple bracelets. Gamora and Ziggy usually traded weapons, as Ziggy went into the Guardians only having her powers. They also bonded a lot over being the only women within the group.

Finally, there was Peter. Ziggy still harbored her feelings toward him, although she attempted to keep it professional since they worked together now. It didn't really work though, as there was still continuous flirting between the two. Well, Ziggy hoped her end of flirting was actual flirting, while Peter's was more upfront. It annoyed Rocket quite often, and she could recall the countless times he mocked them when Peter left the room.

"Ooh Quill, I'm so in love with you but we're both so fucking stupid and won't admit our feelings." Rocket had imitated in a high-pitched voice, after having given them extreme side eye while building whatever high-powered weapon he was making.

"Oh fuck off," Ziggy rolled her eyes in response, despite the red flush on her face. She also had picked up on a variety of Terran swears, as most of them had. Groot, surprisingly, with how adorable he was, had the worst habit out of all of them.

"Who's in love with Quill?" Drax commented, appearing out of nowhere and making both Ziggy and Rocket jump.

"Ziggy. It's obvious - well, both of them are. They flirt constantly and it makes me sick."

Drax hummed. "I don't think you would physically be ill from it. That seems highly unlikely."

Rocket sighed, not bothering to argue against him.

"Whatever, you all suck," Ziggy responds, crossing her arms.

Rocket only snickers, shaking his head. "Hey Drax, remember that time we got drenched on that one mission and Quill had to take his shirt off? Ziggy's reaction was priceless."

"Rocket, I swear to God -"

Drax laughed. "That was a classic moment."

Ziggy groaned, facepalming with both hands. Sometimes she questioned who she held for company. It takes a lot to remember that she'd willingly die for everyone on this ship.

Looking to escape, Ziggy headed to the quarters of the ship, moving towards her bedroom. In the way of moving, she accidentally collided with the devil himself.

Ziggy's face flushed when she remembered how Rocket and Drax had been teasing her as Peter held her arm to steady her from toppling over.

"Oh, sorry." She spluttered, avoiding eye contact.

"You're fine, don't worry about it. What are you up to?" Peter asks, and Ziggy doesn't miss the way he still is holding her arm.

"Was just headed back to my room. Rocket and Drax were being jerks, so..."

Peter rolls his eyes before finally letting go of her arm. "Typical of them. You wanna get away from them? We can go hang out in the back of the ship."

"Yeah, actually. That sounds nice."

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