Chapter 1

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"Oh God, Haitham." Kaveh groans as he slams the door shut. "You told me that you would pick me up! You left me in the desert to wait for you and you didn't even come! I had to walk all the way back home. It took me nearly an hour, but luckily I found Tighnari on the way. Guess what? He helped me get home, unlike you. You're such an asshole Alhaitham!"

Alhaitham was on the couch, reading a book as always. "Can you just go one minute without complaining after you get home?" He says sternly, flipping through the pages of his book.

Kaveh walked up to Alhaitham angrily. "I waited 30 minutes for you, standing out there in the sun, just for you to not show up. Why couldn't you just do as you promised?"

Honestly, Alhaitham had completely forgotten about it. He had so much work to do that he probably didn't even focus when he said that himself. Maybe Kaveh was the one who insisted, maybe that's why he didn't remember. Even now, Alhaitham couldn't remember saying that. He must've been so caught up in his work that he didn't even pay attention to what he said to Kaveh or what Kaveh said to him. He kept quiet and didn't bother to even apologize.

Kaveh dropped his suitcase next to the couch before crossing his arms, "Are you really not going to apologize?" All he wanted was an apology from Alhaitham, but he knew he wasn't going to get one.

Well, of course he wasn't going to. Alhaitham just resumed to flipping through his book, not saying anything. He was doing this on purpose, definitely, to piss Kaveh off.

"Oh my God you're so annoying and so- ugh, so selfish." He stormed off to his room, loudly shutting the door.

Alhaitham did feel bad, but he definitely wasn't going to admit it or apologize. He wasn't going to say that that 5-letter word. His dignity was way more important than Kaveh's feelings. Maybe. He sighed and shit his book. He could make it up to him, but he would only do it indirectly. Alhaitham could make his favourite food for dinner tonight, that is, if he hadn't had dinner yet. Kaveh usually doesn't have dinner without Alhaitham, so he suspects he didn't this time either.


Kaveh was sitting in his room, working on his new design when he heard a knock on his door. "Ugh, what do you want Haitham?"

The door creaked open. Alhaitham sighed and crossed his arms. He cleared his throat, "I made dinner, for us. Do you want to, you know, join me?" He said awkwardly.

Kaveh wasn't looking at Alhaitham. He was too focused on his work. "Mm, yeah. I'll be there in a few minutes." He didn't put his pencil down from the time Alhaitham walked into his room.

"Okay." Alhaitham's voice trails off and he walks back to the dining table.

Alhaitham sat down at his usual spot and sighed. He waited for Kaveh to come out of his room soon. He started tapping his fingers on the table, making a weird rhythm. He didn't make Kaveh feel too bad, right? Alhaitham didn't want to admit that he was feeling bad for not picking his bratty roommate up, but he did.

Finally, after exactly 13 minutes and 32 seconds, Kaveh walked out of his room. Why was he counting? That's not creepy at all.

"Took you long enough," Alhaitham leaned back on his chair.

Kaveh scoffed, "You would've finished by now if you didn't wait for me." He took a seat right across Alhaitham.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have waited if you didn't tell me you'd join me for dinner." Alhaitham waited a whole 13 minutes for Kaveh to join him for dinner and counted the exact timing. That's not weird at all.

Kaveh glared at Alhaitham, "Why can't I say the same thing when you didn't pick me up when you promised you would?"

Kaveh made him wait purposely, didn't he? Alhaitham can tell by the look on his face. That satisfied look; it wasn't obvious, but come one, they've been living together for years now. Alhaitham didn't reply and started eating. Kaveh rolled his eyes before doing so too.

This was one of those awkward nights where they both wouldn't talk to each other after an argument. They'd just sit in silence, eating. Only the sound of the silverware hitting the plates could be heard. Usually, Kaveh would start complaining about how horrible his day went. Honestly, Alhaitham didn't mind it. He enjoyed it, in fact. He just never showed it.

Kaveh was quite happy to see that Alhaitham had made his favourite. It made him feel slightly better, and slightly less angry at Alhaitham (just slightly).

Kaveh finished his food first. He usually would wait for Alhaitham to finish his before taking both of their plates to the sink. He would almost never wash them, though, unless Alhaitham said so. However, this time, he got up to take his plate to the sink and wash it. Of course, knowing Kaveh, he was still quite angry at Alhaitham.

After he keeps their plates, he would get himself a cup of tea and sit on the stool next the the counter in the kitchen. He would continue ranting about his day as Alhaitham washed the dishes and listens to him. However, again, he takes the cup of tea back into his room and continues working on his designs.

Alhaitham hoped that this would somehow make his senior feel a bit better and return to normal in the morning. Knowing Kaveh, Alhaitham knew he would never forgive him today unless he apologized — which he does not plan on doing. Alhaitham just wishes Kaveh would go back to normal the next morning.

Alhaitham takes his plate back to the kitchen sink to wash it. After he does that, he makes a cup of tea for himself too. If Alhaitham said he liked it that Kaveh wasn't ranting about his day to him today, he'd be lying. He missed it. He knew he did, deep down, but he'd never admit it.

Alhaitham takes his book that he left on the couch with his tea and returned to his room. He sits on his own bed, reading his book and sipping his tea. Alhaitham genuinely hated these nights, the nights where him and Kaveh would have these silly arguments, causing Kaveh to ignore him for the rest of the night. Deep down, he knew he cared for Kaveh. He'd never just show it, of course.

The other arguments they would have would be much sillier than this one. This was probably the first time Kaveh had a valid excuse on why he'd be mad at Alhaitham. He would usually get mad at some dumb, silly things, it would be a surprise if he didn't get mad for what happened today. Kaveh probably wouldn't ask Alhaitham to pick him up again.

"God Kaveh, you're such a brat." Alhaitham says under his breath getting ready for bed. "Let's just hope you aren't still mad at me tomorrow morning."


This was quite a short chapter because I just wanted to have a little introduction to this story. I didn't want to make it too long for now but I hope you enjoyed it up until here <3

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