Chapter 6

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‼️This chapter includes a makeout scene (I mean, finally)


Kaveh liked stress-drawing. He would draw almost anything — mostly his roommate, the Grand Scribe. — when he felt stressed or upset about something. And that was exactly what he was doing right after he found out Alhaitham snooped through his sketchbook. Instead of stopping, he did more of it. How silly of Kaveh... But Kaveh did think back on when Alhaitham told him he should draw more of him. He did exactly as he said, but Kaveh thought he shouldn't be.

Fuck. Kaveh completely forgot that he was supposed to be working on the design that the client asked for. He got too carried away drawing Alhaitham in his sketchbook. The thing was that he drew the Scribe so detailed from memory. He flipped to the next page to start on the design.


Kaveh had fallen asleep on the desk, his head resting on the sketchbook. The page was open on a drawing of his roommate, of course. He still hadn't changed his clothes from yesterday. Once he'd woken up, he groaned quietly. Kaveh pushed the sketchbook aside, He had to submit the design to the Acting Grand Sage — who just so happened to be his roommate he drew on the same book as his design — before starting to work on it. Kaveh ripped the page of the final design off and closed the book.

When Kaveh walked out to find something to eat for breakfast, he saw Alhaitham sitting on the couch, reading and sipping his daily morning coffee. He was already changed. There was a bowl of biscuits on the table which Alhaitham took irregularly. Kaveh cleared his throat and took a seat on another couch. He grabbed a biscuit from the bowl, hoping Alhaitham didn't mind it — which he didn't.

"Are you going to the desert today?" Alhaitham questioned, eyes still on his book.

"Mhm, later." Kaveh replied. He would have submitted his design to Alhaitham in the office as that would be more appropriate. He would be passing by there before getting to the desert anyways.

This was one of the few days that Alhaitham would leave for work earlier than Kaveh because he had important work to do. He stood up. Before Alhaitham walked out of the house, he placed Kaveh's keys on the table next to the front door, "Don't forget your keys again, Kaveh. I'll see you at work." With that, Alhaitham walked out with a bag on his shoulder.


Alhaitham was at work, sorting out letters from the Akademiya scholars as usual. This time, he really couldn't focus. The only thing he could ever think about was what he saw in Kaveh's sketchbook. What did he think about Alhaitham to make him do such a thing?

The Scribe sighed and dropped his pencil. He couldn't seem to do anything that would distract him from his annoying roommate. He decided to re-read his letter that he was supposedly to write back to a scholar to check for any silly mistakes. Of course, there it was. The silly mistake: ....I will look into that for you. What does Kaveh think about me? Oh Alhaitham, you're at work! You can't be thinking about Kaveh now. He quickly grabbed his eraser and erased that stupid mistake. Alhaitham kicked his desk, harder this time. He hated that Kaveh was the only thing he could think about. He wanted to do something about that.

Meanwhile, Kaveh was walking in Sumeru City, looking to buy a snack to take to the desert in case he got hungry. He still hadn't gone to the Akademiya to meet Alhaitham yet.

Suddenly, a cart if jewelry just tumbled over. Being the emotionally sensitive person Kaveh was, he rushed over to help the owner put them back in place. While doing so, he saw a necklace, like the one his mother gave him before leaving. It was silver and had a small butterfly as the symbol.

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