Chapter 5

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"Kaveh." Kaveh heard Alhaitham calling him as he was walking towards the couch Kaveh was sitting on. He handed him a cup of coffee, "With sugar this time." Alhaitham said in a quiet manner.

The thing was that Kaveh wasn't taking the coffee from Alhaitham's hands, but was looking at what he did to him last night. In response, Alhaitham sighed, "Yes, you did this." He sat down next to Kaveh. "Take it." He held the cup out further, signaling for Kaveh to take it.

Kaveh didn't know that Alhaitham had been deeply affected by his actions last night - in a good way - because Alhaitham had his usual poker face on anyways. Kaveh couldn't spot a blush on Alhaitham's face, not even in the slightest. That was because Alhaitham usually did that when Kaveh wasn't around him and would calm down before going to see him. Kaveh slowly took the cup from Alhaitham's hand as a slight blush crept on his face. It wasn't obvious, but Alhaitham could tell. He didn't say anything though. "I'm sorry." Kaveh said as he took a sip from the cup, not maintaining eye contact. He was relieved that Alhaitham actually added the right amount of sugar this time.

Alhaitham didn't reply, which made Kaveh even more anxious. What if Alhaitham actually thought he was a creep? Suddenly, Alhaitham stood up from the couch, "Hurry up. You have to get to work, and so do I."

Before Alhaitham disappeared into the hallway, Kaveh cleared his throat. "Since when did you care about work?" He raised his voice a little so that Alhaitham could hear him. But as expected, no reply.

Kaveh decided to just finish his coffee so that he could get ready for work. He had an appointment with a client in the desert that day, so he really had to hurry. Once he finished his coffee, he put the cup into the sink and went back into his room to get ready.


When Alhaitham came out of his room, he found that Kaveh had already left. He usually had work way earlier than Alhaitham. Genuinely, he found it quite boring when Kaveh wasn't home. It was too quiet. He should be loving it, but he didn't. He enjoyed Kaveh's company deep down. They both enjoyed each other's company.

Alhaitham still had an hour or two before he usually left for work. He decided to go look for a book to read in the study room.

When he was walking around, he found a notebook lying on the desk. It looked like Kaveh's sketchbook. Alhaitham picked it up. Kaveh wouldn't mind, right? Knowing him, he wouldn't leave stuff around if he didn't want Alhaitham to see it - unless he forgot. The first few pages were just design ideas - some were scrapped for some reason. Then when Alhaitham flipped through the next few pages, he didn't know how to react. He saw drawings of himself. They was so detailed too. Sometimes, Alhaitham would miss these details himself. Alhaitham could feel a blush creeping on his cheeks. However, his expression remains calm. Why had Kaveh been drawing him? Was it normal to draw your own roommate? Alhaitham counted - 1.. 2, 3..... eleven drawings of himself. Where did Kaveh find the time to do this? Why would he do this?

Alhaitham placed the notebook down on the same desk with one of the drawings of Alhaitham still opened. He quickly grabbed a random book he could find and walked back to his room.


Kaveh finally reached the desert. He wasn't the biggest fan of the desert, but he was used to it anyways. Kaveh was still thinking about what he did to Alhaitham last night and what he would think of him. He shook his head, trying to get it out of his mind. Then he realized he was early, so he waited for a few minutes for his client to show up. I swear, if I have to deal with another late client... Kaveh hated having to wait for his clients to show up. They usually never show up on time, and would arrive at least ten minutes late.

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