Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry for the slow update again guys 🙏 I went to the Blackpink concert on Saturday and I lost my voice lol so my mom forced me to sleep the whole day cus the guy next to me also had a cold and I got it from him so yk

‼️This chapter contains smut


Alhaitham could hear the sound of an alarm blaring so loud that the entirety of Sumeru citizens could hear ringing in his ear as he was half awake. His eyes slowly opened to see Kaveh turning off the alarm clock. Finally, the sound was gone. Alhaitham rolled to the other side of the bed and and stuffed his face in the pillows before letting out a loud, annoyed groan. It was six in the morning, and Alhaitham usually didn't wake up so early.

"You wanted to sleep here." Alhaitham could hear Kaveh's voice, muffled, as his ears were covered by the pillows. It was like Kaveh wanted to make fun of him somehow. A few seconds of silence, Kaveh's footsteps could be heard by Alhaitham, and they got louder each second. He was probably walking back towards the bed. Alhaitham then felt Kaveh's warm hand on the back of his head, his fingers tangling in the junior's hair. "Go back to sleep. I'm going to the desert for work today."

Alhaitham rolled over to sleep on his back and looked at Kaveh. The architect had a hint of red on his face, but it wasn't very noticeable. Alhaitham was sharp, so he noticed it, of course. Kaveh cleared his throat and walked out of the room. Great, it was another day with Kaveh in the desert. He'd probably come back home late anyways. He turned to sleep on his side and shut his eyes, falling asleep within seconds.

A few hours later, it was already a quarter past ten. Alhaitham had just woken up, sitting on Kaveh's bed. He was a few minutes off from the time he usually slept, but that was fine. He followed his own rules as the Acting Grand Sage anyway. Alhaitham sat there for a few minutes, just allowing himself to wake up. Then the thought of his senior, who also happened to be his roommate, appeared in his head. It wasn't the place nor the time to be thinking about Kaveh. Nowhere or no time was ever right, but Alhaitham seemed to be doing it all the time. He realized he'd never actually said the three word sentence ever since they had sex. Knowing how sensitive Kaveh was, Alhaitham thought it was best that he reassured him soon.

Alhaitham slowly stood up next to the bed. It was probably time he got ready for the day. He walked out of the room into the kitchen to make himself some coffee, hoping it would help him wake up. Besides, Alhaitham usually slept way earlier than two in the morning.


Kaveh was at Port Ormos after his client had forced him to take a break, even though he didn't want to as he was an extreme perfectionist and wanted nothing but to finish the project at that very moment. He was browsing around, looking for anything to buy home for Alhaitham- no. Not Alhaitham. For himself, of course.

When Kaveh was standing in front of a jewelry shop, admiring a pair of earrings, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. Who would it even be? Kaveh turned around to see a woman who seemed to be slightly younger than him, and was also shorter. She had long brunette hair and blue eyes. She also had a faint blush on her face that Kaveh could notice. He thought she was quite pretty - generally - and smiled at her, "Can I help you?"

The woman looked down and started fiddling with her fingers, smiling to herself, "Well, um- I- uh...." It sounded like she was quite nervous and hesitant. What did she want? "You're close acquaintances with Scribe Alhaitham, right?" She looked up at Kaveh, the smile still on her face.

Kaveh's smile faded slowly. He knew exactly what she wanted, but tried to play it cool, "Well... we aren't exactly close acquaintances, but, yes... I'd say we're pretty close." Kaveh already didn't like this woman, and he just met her a few seconds ago. Why was it?

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