Chapter 18

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Kaveh woke up, feeling strangely comfortable. Didn't he fall asleep on his working table? Why did it feel so comfortable though? He raised up his head to see a pillow on his desk, Alhaitham's jacket around him, and most importantly, the post-it note Alhaitham had left the other night. Kaveh picked it up, and started to read it.

"Good morning, Kaveh. Happy belated birthday. I am truly sorry I hadn't spent your birthday with you. I promise I will make it up to you today. I will excuse you from work so we can spend some time together. I know you have been busy lately, but I really feel the need for you to take a break. After all, it is your 30th birthday, and you are already getting a little old. No offense. Anyway, I left a small box on the side of your desk. Just open it and see what is inside. I could not find the perfect gift, but I hope whatever I got you does it."

Kaveh smiled, putting the note in his top drawer. He sighed before looking for the box that Alhaitham had left on his desk. There. Kaveh grabbed it, and opened the lid. Inside, there was a watch and a keychain that was quite similar to the matching one he and Alhaitham had. He stuck the keychain onto his bag and left it on the floor. Then he wrapped the watch around his wrist. Well, it wasn't so bad after all.

Kaveh stood up, setting the pillow aside and wearing Alhaitham's jacket properly. It was a little longer than the size he usually wore, because Alhaitham was slightly taller than Kaveh. It wasn't much of a difference though, just a little. He then walked out of the study room, hoping to find Alhaitham somewhere.

Ah, there he was. Alhaitham was sitting down at the dining room with food on the table. He had a book in his hands, seemingly waiting for Kaveh to come and take a seat in front of him. That was exactly what he did. Kaveh sat down and cleared his throat, "Good morning, Haitham." He said, then smiled softly.

Alhaitham looked up at Kaveh from his book, but didn't close it, "Morning. Hurry up and finish your food. We have somewhere to be." His eyes trailed back to the book, almost as if he didn't care to say anything to Kaveh at all, as if he didn't write that note to Kaveh at all. Kaveh was used to it though. That was what they were both used to anyway. They would do something nice for each other and pretend nothing had ever happened.

Kaveh stared awkwardly at Alhaitham for a while until Alhaitham looked back up again. He raised an eyebrow, "What is it?" Alhaitham asked, book still held in his hand.

Kaveh smiled a little then shook his head, "Nothing." He was desperately holding back a laugh for some reason. He didn't know why, but he was feeling extremely joyful already.

Alhaitham's eyes seemed confused as ever, but decided to ignore it. He went back to reading his own book. Kaveh sighed softly before starting to eat. Then in the middle of breakfast, he spoke, "Hey, Haitham. I'm sorry for.. you know, ignoring you these past few days. Thank you, though, for the.. well, for the gift this morning." Kaveh didn't dare to look at Alhaitham, and instead just stared down at his food.

Kaveh continued eating. There was a moment of silence before Alhaitham finally replied, "Mhm." That was it? Mhm was the only reply Alhaitham gave?

Kaveh looked up, still chewing his food, and stared at Alhaitham who was reading his book in offense, "That's it? That's all you have to say?"

Alhaitham didn't look up. He didn't even look like he cared about what Kaveh had said. Then he sighed, "Yes.. What else did you expect me to say?"

Kaveh rolled his eyes and just continued eating, just ignoring whatever Alhaitham had just said. Of course, that was always what he did when he had nothing to say to Alhaitham. They sat in silence for a while before Kaveh finally finished eating. He stood up, taking the plate with him, and walking toward the kitchen to wash his plate and utensils. Surprisingly, he actually washed them himself this time around. Well, lucky Haitham.

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