Chapter 10

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A/N: So just a quick note, this will be a little shorter than the other chapters and will be kind of like a filler chapter. I hope it isn't much of a problem to you guys and I hope you enjoyyyy


Alhaitham had woken up. It was already.. no, only eight in the morning. He usually woke up at ten, so it was really early for him. He groaned slightly as he sat up. He could feel his ass really did hurt. Well, Alhaitham got himself into this mess. Kaveh didn't stop at just one, two, three, or four times, but five. And, indeed, Kaveh did, in fact, made Alhaitham cry. Five times was just too much for a virgin's first time.

Alhaitham looked around, and noticed that Kaveh had already left the bed. He was probably preparing breakfast. The side of the bed that Kaveh was sleeping on was really messy. He probably didn't even bother to make his bed. Alhaitham looked over to the mirror that was sitting on the nightstand and saw multiple marks all over his body, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. They got way too carried away... Alhaitham then thought about what Kaveh had said last night about loving him. He smiled to himself.

The Scribe slowly got up, feeling the immense pain in almost all over his body; his upper legs, his lower back, and most importantly, his ass. He probably shouldn't have convinced Kaveh to fuck him like that... Kaveh kept begging to go for more rounds and refused to stop. Alhaitham exhaled sharply before limping to the door, with only his pants on.

When Alhaitham reached the kitchen, he saw Kaveh preparing breakfast already. He could see Kaveh had a few marks on his body as he also wasn't wearing a shirt, but an apron. Alhaitham supported himself by leaning on the counter, "I should've woken up earlier."

Kaveh turned around and seemed offended, "My cooking is great. Shut up." He turned back around to continue cooking. Well, his cooking wasn't so bad, but Alhaitham's was definitely better.

"My whole body is aching, and it's all because of you." Alhaitham sat down on the stool that was sitting next to the counter. "And look at all these marks, Kaveh." He pointed to some of them, especially on his neck.

Kaveh took off his apron and threw it aside. He was probably done cooking, and got offended by what Alhaitham said, "Says the one who begged me to rail and make a mess out of him last night.." Alhaitham couldn't see Kaveh's face, but he could tell that Kaveh was a blushing mess at that moment.

Alhaitham walked over to Kaveh. He was already done cooking, so Alhaitham decided to help put the food on the plates. Then they both took the plates of food to the dining table.

The two rivalled roommates sat down across each other. Then the older between the two started eating first. Alhaitham could see his blonde hair was still as messy as ever. He reached out for it and tucked it behind Kaveh's ear, "I had instructed you multiple to brush your hair. You just never seem to comply with my words."

Kaveh continued eating, letting Alhaitham do that, "Who says I have to follow what you say? There's no saying 'my house, my rules', we both live here." He said with food still in his mouth. Kaveh was so god damn messy.

Alhaitham removed his hand before he took a bite. Then he responded after his mouth was empty. "I am merely looking out for your sanitation because, indeed, we both live here. You should keep yourself presentable as you are not the only individual living in this house."

Kaveh glared at Alhaitham as he continued chewing on his food. Then the Scribe cleared his throat and continued eating too. Kaveh wanted to ask Alhaitham about what he himself said last night and if Alhaitham felt the same way. Did he truly love him or was it just a 'fuck buddy relationship' type of thing? Or perhaps a 'frenemies with benefits' type of thing? Kaveh didn't know, but he really, really wanted to. He needed to know what he himself felt about Alhaitham too. It was probably pretty obvious, but Kaveh wanted to hide it, even from himself.

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