Chapter 17

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Four. Four in the fucking morning, Kaveh. Alhaitham and Kaveh were still on the couch, but Kaveh was laying down on his back with only his pants back on, while Alhaitham was still butt naked, teas still filled his eyes and he buried his face in the pillows. His eyes were all puffed up, unable to sleep. Alhaitham refused to lay on his back. The sounds of sniffling could still be heard echoing throughout the room.

Suddenly, head still buried in the pillows, Alhaitham felt a hand on his lower back, still no sound except for Alhaitham sniffling into the pillows. The hand stayed in its place for a while, before Kaveh finally moved it. Oh, but so unfortunate for Alhaitham, it didn't move away. It moved even lower until it was on Alhaitham's ass. In response, Alhaitham's hips moved up on its own without Alhaitham himself being aware of it. "Kaveh." It was the only thing Alhaitham could say at that point. He's said one too many things for the past hours that he couldn't think of anything else to say.

A moment of silence followed before Alhaitham felt Kaveh lifting up his hand, not for good though. Kaveh's hand landed on Alhaitham's ass once more, but hard this time, causing a sound from the slap and from Alhaitham. Tears didn't stop forming in Alhaitham's eyes, though. The pillows were really wet from the many hours of crying. Well, to be fair, Alhaitham wanted it. He didn't excuse Kaveh on purpose. He wanted it.

Kaveh sighed and laid back down. They both clearly needed a break after endless hours of fucking, but they still wanted more somehow. "I'll let you know I'm skipping work tomorrow. You better cover for me, Alhaitham. I'm giving you another chance." Kaveh stood up, grabbing his shirt that was on the living room. He hesitated, but then put it over Alhaitham's lower back — which had so many marks and scars all over — to prevent him from getting cold. "I'll be back. Stay here."

Alhaitham's body was covered with marks, bites, all sorts of kinds like that; from his ears all the way to his inner legs. Fortunately for him, he wasn't the only one with marks like that. Although, it was clear, Alhaitham had more. There were even handprints on his ass the side of his waist. He slowly moved up one of his hands to wipe away the tears in his eyes, but most of them had already dried up on his face, mainly his cheeks. Alhaitham's eyes, lips, and hole were incredibly swollen. Good God, no one had ever done such a thing to Alhaitham before. It was such a shame — or not —the first, and most likely only person had to be Kaveh.

After a few minutes, Kaveh returned to the room with a glass of water in his hand, and a towel in the other. He set it down on the table before sitting down next to Alhaitham. "On your back." Different from the past hours, Kaveh's voice wasn't so possessive and demanding. His tone definitely softened, and Alhaitham absolutely loved it.

Alhaitham rolled to sleep on his back, trying his hardest not to let any tears fall out from his eyes any longer. He could see the worried, caring look in Kaveh's eyes, and he almost smiled, but didn't. Kaveh dipped the towel in the water and started cleaning up the tear stains on Alhaitham's face. Alhaitham sighed and sat up, allowing Kaveh's shirt to fall on his lap, "I can take care of myself, you know?"

"No, not in this state, you can't." Kaveh said softly, continuing to clean off all the stained tears. "Your eyes are literally swollen, and they're not even the only things swollen on your entire body."

Alhaitham rolled his eyes, but it wasn't very easy to do so since they were swollen, "And who's fault is that? You act like you care when you're the one who made me enter a state like this."

Kaveh does not respond. Instead, he moved the towel lower to other parts of Alhaitham's body, cleaning them up. Alhaitham winces a little due to how much the scars on his body hurt. Well, it was one hell of a night.

After a while, Kaveh put the towel back into the water, letting it sink to the bottom of the glass. He set it down on the table before moving closer to Alhaitham, snuggling onto him. Alhaitham sighed, "I still need to get dressed, you know?" He looked down to Kaveh's shirt that was sitting on his lap, mostly covering his upper legs.

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