Chapter 9

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‼️This chapter contains smut 😁✌️


"Haitham? I'm... I'm home..." Alhaitham could hear Kaveh's voice echo through the hallway. He was still sitting in Kaveh's bed, reading a book, and trying to hide his extremely flushed face.

Just a few moments later, the bedroom door creaked open. Alhaitham saw Kaveh's head peak through the crack. His eyes trailed up to look at Kaveh, "Finally." He muttered under his breath.

Kaveh walked in and shut the door behind him. He dropped his suitcase crossed his arms, "I heard that." He glared at the roommate who was sitting on his bed, "What are you still doing in my room? And why would you care if I've been gone for long? Did you miss me that much?"

Yes. Yes, I missed you that much. Alhaitham wanted to say that so badly, but he didn't. "One; I'm reading, as you can see - unless you have really poor eyesight or none, of course. And I really do like this bed. I used to sleep on it every night before you came along. Two; I really enjoyed it when you weren't around, so of course I cared when you aren't here. Three; don't get too full of yourself. I did not, at all, in fact, missed you." He went back to reading his book and flipping through the pages. They both knew all that Alhaitham said just now were lies. There was literally no need to ask what gave it away when they had multiple make out sessions together and he was blushing like crazy without knowing it.

Kaveh scoffed, pretending to look offended, "Sure, Alhaitham. You can pretend you didn't miss me when that flushed face is giving it all away. And I have very good eyesight." He leaned against the door, "I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now, Haitham, so maybe we should just go and have dinner."

Kaveh never usually said that unless he was upset or stressed about something. What could he be upset or stressed about this time? Was it the project? Probably. Nothing to do with Alhaitham, of course. Alhaitham then threw his book aside and got up. "Mm." That usually meant he agreed with Kaveh, and he did agree. So he shoved Kaveh aside and walked past the door.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? You could've just asked nicely if you wanted to go." Kaveh bickered and rushed after Alhaitham, leaving the door open.

Alhaitham continued walking as Kaveh was catching up with him, "And you said you weren't in the mood to argue with me, Kaveh."

"Well maybe I wouldn't complain about it if you hadn't shoved me aside to get past! Would it hurt so much to ask nicely, Alhaitham? You're so insensitive!" Kaveh lowered his pace as he finally caught up with Alhaitham, arguing back.

They both walked for a while with Alhaitham not saying anything before they reached the dining room. Alhaitham took a seat, and Kaveh was standing right in front of him. "It's really not that deep, Kaveh. Have you ever heard of being mature? That's a skill you've yet to acquire despite you being older than me."

"Not that deep?! And- have you ever heard of manners?!" Kaveh angrily took a seat in front of Alhaitham, folding his arms. His brows were furrowed, too.

"I do not need to have manners around an imbecile like you." Alhaitham said, taking the plastic bag on the table that was filled with food that Kaveh bought earlier.

"An imbecile?! Excuse me- I am NOT an imbecile. I'm way smarter, and way more intelligent than you'd ever know." One of Kaveh's hands clapsed together like a fist on the table.

Alhaitham searched through the bag, and took out the food that he knew Kaveh bought for him and opened the lid. "Would you rather I call you a nincompoop? Or a fool, perhaps?"

"A nincom- what?! What kind of word is that?! Stop making words up. Anyway, I'm none of those things you mentioned! You're- ugh! You're so arrogant. I don't even know how I managed to live with you throughout the years!" Kaveh slammed his fist on the table, but not too hard, of course. He wouldn't want to buy Alhaitham a new table.

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